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"What do you want to talk about," Harry asks, pretending like me didn't have a clue what they were about to talk about,

Simon raises his eyebrow up. "Don't play dumb with me Harry," Simon says, looking right through him.

Harry shifts uncomfortably in his seat, he looks Simon straight up and down, giving him a weak half smile, he knew what they were going to talk about, but he didn't know what to expect from this conversation.

"Ok, then, talk to me." Harry replies.

"So, about the kiss," Simon begins, his voice breaks, he stops his sentence mid way, as if he doesn't know what more to say to him. He plays with his hands, tapping them softly on the table, his leg shaking, but Harry couldn't see that, he was biting the inside flesh of his cheek, and he could see Harry waiting impatiently for Simon to continue on what he was saying, which wasn't going very well in his behalf.

Harry slaps Simons shoulder, and Simon jumps back a bit, he grabs his shoulder with his hand, a burning sensation going through his skin, even though Harry was a small cute innocent looking boy, his slap was surprisingly very hard to Simon.

And Simon had been in many of fights before hand to know what true pain felt like.

"What was that for," Simon winces.

"You like her don't you," Harry grumbles.

Simon shakes his head desperately, "No, of course I don't like Ashley."

Harry rolls his eyes as a a groan escapes his lips. "So what then, you continued to kiss her and didn't try to stop her, and didn't mention anything about it to her after the kiss happened, am I supposed to believe you don't like her, because your making it hard for me to."

"I understand where your coming from but Harry you have to believe when I say I don't."

"It doesn't matter," Harry interrupts.

"I don't care ok," but inside Harry did care, it mattered to him so much that Simon had a crush on his ex best friend.

"Harry I don't like her," Simon says.

"Simon, I said I don't care, so just leave and go date her, OK?" He looks away, taking a sip out of his chocolate milkshake to avoid the awkward tension.

The waitress from earlier comes over, smiling, she looks over to Simon.

"Is this your friend who comes to join you, would you like anything?" She asks Simon.

"Chocolate milkshake." Simon replies bluntly.

She walks away, and goes off to make Simons milkshake, she looks back over at Harry, and he can't even be bothered to flash ear a warm friendly smile, he ignore her and goes back to looking at Simon.

"I'm sorry," Simon chocked out.

Harry raises an eyebrow in amazement.

"You didn't strike me as the type who says sorry a lot."

"I don't say it that much, so you should consider yourself a very lucky person." Simon smirks.

Harry dips his head down looking at his lap, he breaks out into a small case of giggles. He right now wasn't the most happy with Simon, he had kissed Ashley, and he was jealous of that, but he still couldn't lie that every time Simon did something, his heart went a little faster.

"Your so cute," Simon smiles, Harry's face red turns a deep shade of pink, as he covered his cheeks with his hands, trying not to get Simon to notice.

speak | minishawOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora