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Simon runs down the street energetically, towards theorists I hope he can see his mum and just manage to say something, he wasn't sure what he wanted to get out of this, wether he wanted to just see her again, or wether he wanted to built the relationship back up with her, and start being a mother and son again, he didn't know if he was ready for that though, but he would just have to wait and find out.

Simon was also running trying to get his mind off his interaction with Cal, he hated himself for thinking about it over and over again, but he wanted to kiss Cal and when he did he felt a little happier, he still cherished the moments he had with Harry but it felt like it wasn't the same now, Cal had came along and blew out the match that the two had. He had gotten in the way and Simon couldn't focus on his boyfriend anymore.

And Simon was also worried, because he didn't know if Cal would go behind his word and say something to Harry, they're cousins, they share everything with each other because they're so close, what happens if Cal was to spill the information, he would ruin his relationship with Harry, and it would ruin Cals relationship with Harry, he didn't want to fuck the two of them up.

Simon had friend himself in a weird love triangle that he wanted to get out of but couldn't find a way out.

Simon looked up, seeing the big sign of the hospital. The endless amounts of cars coming in and out, it was actually quite sad to think of it, so many people come in and out of this hospital, for some people, this day is one of the best days of their lives, for some it might be their worst, and for others it might be their last.

Quite deep when he thought of it that way.

Simon walked into the doors, looking around in order to see his mum, he didn't. He walked over to the front desk, hoping to ask the last behind and see if she knew anything about where she would be or when she would be next available. Being a nurse must be stressful. Having to be sympathetic and nice to everyone who comes in, and you can't always promise you will keep them safe and alive, because life doesn't work that way.

Simon walks over as the man in front of him sits down, he goes to the front oats the girl looks at him. "What is the problem today?" She asks. Simon clears his throat as he looks around the big spacious room. "I was wondering if I could actually see one of the nurses." He says. "Which nurse?" She asks, not understanding what Simon wanted.

"Miss Minter, or by her first name, June." He says, the lady looks at him. "We know a nurse called June, but her last name isn't Minter." He says. "What does she look like, she may of changed her last name," Simon says. "Weirdly she looks a lot like you, kind of like a mother and son," she smiled. Simon nods. "That's her." He says.

"Why do you need to see her?" She asks. "Uhh," Simon thinks, he doesn't know what quite to say, how was he spoke to explain he wanted to see his mum that just packed up all of her stuff and left him, and now after all the years he wants to see her again, even though she probably doesn't want to see him back.

"Don't worry, he's with me," he hears a familiar voice say, he looks to his left as he sees his mum standing there, she walks closer, looking at the lady and nodding as she motions for Simon to walk down the corridor with her, Simon obeys, as they take off down the corridor, walking up a few flights of stairs to where she takes him up to an empty room as she points to the chair and he goes to sit down, she grabs a swivel chair and sits down on it as she looks into the eyes of her son.

"Nice to see you again," she smiles, but also looking really nervous, Simon gives her a look, unconvinced if she really wants to see him again. "If you wanted to see me again, why didn't you ever come and visit me or try to find me, you just left me you know?" Simon looks hurt. "I apologise for that alight, I was stupid for doing that, but I wasn't ready to be a parent to you, I wasn't smart enough to be a good mother to you and I couldn't break any news to you, so I left."

"That's not an excuse." He says. "You can't just leave me and dad and say you weren't ready, because that's not good enough, you left us and didn't even bother to ever come back, and then dad left me as well, you both just decided you wanted out and left, that wasn't fair on me!"

"I know it wasn't," she says sadly. "Please can you forgive for that." She says, she looks Simon in the eyes. Simon looks at her back. "You've grown very tall," she says. "Yep." Simon replies. "Still into football?" She asks. "Yeah, I still like football, don't play it as much as I use to though." Simon says sadly, he can't remember the last time he played soccer with all his friends.

"What's going on with your life, still friends with JJ and Josh?" She asks. "Course, wouldn't ever ditched them, even though they can be dicks sometimes." He laughs. "Even though it seems like I wouldn't, I did wonder how you would turn out, and I think you turned out just fine." She looks him up and down, Simon smiles.

"You're very thin," she says, looking at him concerned, Simon looks at his skinny arms. She goes over to grab his arm but Simon doesn't let her. "Simon?" She looks at him. "W...What?" He says. He stands up, walking to the door, he looks at her again. "Simon don't get upset about one comment," she says. Simon runs, he hated it, he hated when anyone questioned, especially his own mother, he thought that moment would be good, he would be reunited with his mother, instead of getting questioned about his weight or his meals like he always did.

He runs out of the hospital and onto the road, breaking down when he got tried, leaning against a tree. "You alright?" A voice asks, he looks over, to a cute small Indian boy in front of him. "Who the hell are you?" He asks. "I'm Vik, wanted to make sure you were ok, you looked like you were running in panic." He says.

"I'm Simon," he replies. "I know, you go to my school, my friend Ethan knows you," he smiles. "You know Ethan?" Vik nods his head. "You and Ethan don't talk much anymore apparently." He says. "We don't. We lost contact for a while. I should start talking to him again, he's a good friend."

"I'm heading to his house, do you want to come along?" He asks. "Sure?" "Yes, come."

Simon walks with the small boy, he doesn't know if it's such a great idea. Did Ethan and him have much to talk about anymore? He didn't know, but he couldn't turn back now.

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