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Harry was pushing someone he was so attracted to away, and Simon wasn't happy.

Harry didn't know how strong Simons feelings for him actually were, he had thought that Simon was just a fling, that Simon had no real feelings for him, no guy should ever hook up with someone else I'd your trying to get him.

Harry's mind was in a fucked up place right now.

As Harry was walking away, the bell rang, he slowly walked back to his locker, to be greeted by Troye, wasting patiently for him to come back, once he had seen that Harry was in sight, he rushed over, and gave him a smile.

"Hey, so did you find Simon?" Troye asked.

Harry opened his locker, throwing in his small bag full of his sports gear, "Yeah."

"How come you didn't come back then?"

"Where talking about Simon here, Simon doesn't exactly follow what you say all the time, he doesn't like rules."

He closes his locker shut, before they walk to a seat, grabbing a nice table to eat their lunch at.

"Simons bit of a dick," Troye exclaims.

No he isn't! Harry's mind thought so quickly.

He didn't say that though, he didn't want to seem overly confident when it came to that answer.

"He isn't a dick, he's just different."

"He yelled at me for no real reason!" Troye yelled. He unwrapped the tin foil revealing a few slices of cold pepperoni pizza. "Do you want some?"

Harry shook his head. "Simon's weird, but he isn't a dick."

"Why do you stand up for him, from what I've heard, he's basically a huge bully, and an extreme dick."

"I'm not standing up for him, and don't judge him yet, you haven't met him," Harry mutters.

"Hasn't he only been here a few days, how do you know him that well?"

That was weird. It hadn't been that long since the two of them met, for someone like Simon do so suddenly jump into Harry's life was weird, no way did Harry let someone in that quick. He still didn't fully trust Ashley, and they had been friends for years.

"I know him better than you," Harry replies.

"Do you guys have some history that I don't know about?"

"No!" Harry yells.

"Sorry!" Troye rolls his eyes, making Harry want to slap him, his friends he seemed to pick always felt like total annoying asses, but he ignored the feeling of physical contact, and stayed calmly in his seat.

"You sure?" Troye nudges again.

"I think I know a lot about myself by now Troye!"

They eat their lunch, in more of an uncomfortable silence, Troye had made Harry angry, he didn't have the right to judge Simon just yet, he wasn't as bad as what Troye had made him out to be.

"Out of my way!" He hears a yell from behind him, the voice was so familiar, and he knew why, it was Simons voice, he quickly spun around, to see the tall boy holding someone by the neck.

"What the fuck did I do!" The other boy yelled, he had dark black hair and a half decent grown in beard, he looked scared for his life, but so would Harry if he was in that situation.

Harry left the table and started to walk over to the chaos.

"Simon, let go of Callux!" He hears Zoe yell. He looks over to see Zoe standing there on the other sight, watching as the whole scene takes place.

"Simon!" Harry yells.

Simons head quickly turns around as he looks over to him, his eyes are red in pure anger as he slams the boy, now known as Callux, harder into the brick wall that surrounded the cafeteria.

"Simon!" Zoe also yells. He doesn't care though.

"Simon get off of him!" Harry yells again.

Simon drops Callux, as he falls down and quickly gets back on his feet, running over to Zoe, as she looks at how he was doing, and if he had serious injurys.

Simons breath was unsteady as he took short quick intakes of air. His chest was beating up and down fast, his hands were still scrunched up into called fists. His veins popping out of his skin.

"Simon," Harry comes closer.

"Fuck off." Simon didn't ever bother to look at him when he spoke.

"Why did you do that?" No reply.


"Do you honestly give a fuck!" He screams as he pushes Harry hard in the chest as walks away, Troye comes rushing over to Harry, how was so stunned by what had just happened.

"I told you," Troye smirks.

"Is this a moment for I told you!"

Harry walks off in the opposite direction that Simon did, he needed some time to cool off, he didn't know what to do, he was angry at Simon, but he was also curious, what did he have against Callux, what was wrong with him, what had he done.

"Harry!" He hears a voice behind, him. Zoe.

"Harry meet Callum, we call him Callux," she points to him, as he nervously waves, he had a huge bruise underneath his right eye, and a cut running above his jawline.

"Hi," Harry smiled.


"What happened?"

"I didn't do anything, Simon was just mad, he came up to me and said how fucking angry he was with the world and he fucking pushed me into the wall. He needs to sort out his life."

Wow. Was that Harry's fault.

"Really? He took his anger out on you," Harry gasped.

"Thats a first, he normally only targets the ones that affect him, he bully's nearly everyone, but he hurts the ones that make him angry." Zoe sighs.

He hadn't attacked Harry. Why?

"I'm sorry you had to be attacked by him since it wasn't your fault." Harry pressed his lips together. Callux just did a sad laugh and shook his head.

"I'm surprised you got him to stop, he doesn't for anyone else," Zoe buts in.

"Yeah, Simon isn't a listener, pretty good."

They confided to walk, when a girl came running over, she had long hair and was very pretty, her mouth dangled wide open when she saw all the cuts on Callux's face, she came up to him and strokes his jaw.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Simon happened, he took his anger out on me, I didn't do anything, I don't know who did, but that person is such a lucky bastard."

This was all Harry's fault.

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