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It took me fives days to update! God I'm awful... I'll try to update more this week. Enjoy! Leave feedback as well, it's appreciated.


When Harry woke up, he felt different, yes some things were still normal, him grabbing his clothes and going for his usual shower, but everything around him felt different.

He went back into his room, grabbing his backpack as he walked downstairs, Rosie was sitting at the kitchen table, Harry walked past her, playing with her newly brushed hair. "Harry!" She yells, slapping him as he keys out a small laugh.

"Sorry," he says as he goes into the kitchen, he reaches for the top shelf, taking out the only cereal they had, he takes out three bowls and spoons as he tips the cereal into the bowl, before putting the milk in, he could never understand how people could put the milk in before the cereal, it just isn't right.

He places the three bowls around the table, and the exact time Josh comes running down the stairs very excitedly, he nearly tripped at the last few stairs but managed to contain his balance by grabbing onto the rail to support him.

"Why are you so happy?' Asks Rosie, as he sits down on the table and begins to eat his cereal quickly. "Josh?" She asks again. He looks up, his face smeared with milk and few leftovers of his cereal, he smiles widely as he wipes his mouth clean with his hand, and runs back upstairs.

Rosie looks over to Harry, "What's going on with him, why is he so excited?" She asks.

Harry just shrugs, finishing his cereal before cleaning up the plates from the kitchen, he grabs his bag up from the floor and shouts upstairs.

"Josh, Rosie, we should get to school now!" He yells.

The two come our from their rooms and down the stairs, Harry locks the door behind them as they all decide to take the school bus to school they all wait at the nearest bus stop until the bus comes turning around the corner.

They step on the bus, immediately, Rosie notices on of her friends and goes to sit with them, and Josh also finds his friend and takes a seat next to him, Harry walks to a seat were it's completely empty and no one will set next to him, the bus takes off from the stop as it takes the short drive to the school.

The bus stopped at another stop, and on that stop he notice Simon gets on, which was odd, this bus was no way near where Simon said he lived, so why was he round here, plus he was still wearing the same outfit he was wearing yesterday when they had both seen each other at the hospital, had he gone home that night or did he go somewhere else?

Simon eyes looks up, looking around for a seat, the driver starts the bus up again, causing him to nearly fall. But he grips tightly into a chair to hold him self up, a younger student giggles. As Simon gives him the death glare,which shouts the kid right up.

Simon walks through the bus, and looks over to the the seat next to Harry, he walks closer, and Harry moves his bag off of the seat next to him and place it on his lap, he smiles, but Simon doesn't return it, just sits down. What was wrong with him?

Harry nudges Simon shoulders in an effort to get him to talk but it doesn't work as Simin just softly groans and whispers for him to stop.

"Simon?" He asks.

Simons head turns and he looks disapprovingly at Harry, before taking out his phone and opening his contacts, he frantically writes a message on his phone that Harry couldn't read, which wasn't to much of a deal for him, that was Simons personal life so he shouldn't care. Should he?

He hears a ping coming for his pocket and he looks to see Simon had texted him.

"I'm on the bus with you you know, you can just talk to me of you really want to." Harry says.

"Shut up and read the message you twat!" He spits.

Harry was s little hurt, the fact that Simon had called him a twat had upset him a little bit, but he didn't let the small amount of sadness show as he opened his messages and clicked on Simons name to reveal a text he had gotten.

Si - Do not talk to me while we are both on the bus

Harry - Why not?????

Si - I don't want to be incredibly rude to you, but I hang out with you in secret, this bus is full with people, I don't want them all to know I'm hanging out with you ok?

Harry - Your ashamed of me aren't you?

Si - I'm not, I promise ok? It's just that I don't want to be seen with you because people will make up shitty rumours or they might think we're dating or some bullshit like that

Harry - So you are ashamed of me

Si - Do you understand what I'm saying Harry

Harry - Yes I am fully aware of what you are saying, you are to scared of even talking to me because you don't want the whole school to see you with me. Because your Mr Cool Guy and your Simon Minter, who's so popular, and you don't want to be known as someone who hangs out with the quiet loser head boy Harry, your scared that your friends and the school will think your gay, you don't want to be judged, yet you will happily hang out with me in private were you don't have to hide your true self.

Si - Your mad...

Harry - Not mad

Si - I'm sitting next to you on the bus, I can see your face, your cute little face scrunched up as you state out the window because you don't want to face me, I know you Harry

Harry - Do you know me though, we haven't hung out that much, since you don't want to hang out with me in public places

Si - I was with you at the coffee shop

Si - That's public

Harry: But no school people where there, you weren't going to be judged

Si - I just can't deal with shit right now ok? I'm dealing with a lot right now and I don't want anything adding on top of that ok?

Harry - Ok

He places down his phone and looks at Simon.

Simon leans over and quietly whispers. "We aren't even dating."

The bus the stops at the school, as everyone disappears out of the bus into school, Harry steps out and looks around, another day at this hell hole, then it's the precious weekend.

He walks in the gates.

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