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He looks over to the digital clock on his bedside table.

10 pm.

Harry looks out his window, to see underneath him as the town goes for it, he hears the squeals of girls and guys partying, and watches as people stumble down the street with alcohol in their hands.

He rubs his wrists and clamps his lips together and he feels the coldness of the room, he opened the window, with only slight struggle as the pulls up the window, the warm summer air hits him as he climbed through the window to sit on top of the roof.

His eyes trail down to a group of people, as he notices 3 guys together, one is tall with dark skin, and dark eyes, he has his shoulder wrapped around a girl. He doesn't seemed to care about anything but the girl he is talking to.

The next boy has dark black hair and a beard, he has his hands intertwined with a girl, who is very pretty, but Harry doesn't at all find the girls attractive, he shrugs them off, and doesn't care enough to examine their features.

He then goes and looks towards the third and final boy, the pale tall skinny boy who is walking alone, with no girls swarming him to be hers, he has dirty blonde hair that he has styled up into a little quiff. He is wearing black jeans and a dark grey top, he notices his beautiful blue eyes, and his heart stops.

The tall boy glances over, and states weirdly at the boy on the roof staring at him, he looks away in pure disgust, and Harry falls onto his back in pure embarrassment that he was staring in awe at another guy.

That guy was so not impressed of what he was doing, and Harry felt so bad that he had made this mysterious boy on the street feel weird because he was too busy staring.

But the boy was too gorgeous not too.

He knew he had feelings for guys.

He doesn't admit though.

He groans loudly as he decides to ignore it. He climbs back into his bedroom, flopping onto his bed with sadness, as he hears the faint sound of his phone ping from the other side of the room.

He stands up and grabs it as he skims the screen

Hey, I'm bored, wanna hang out? xx

Harry types back quickly, Ashley was a nice girl he's known for a long time, and she is his only friend. He only speaks to her, and no one else, he is very silent with his parents, even his siblings. Even though they try to get him to talk he never seemed to get along with them.

Because they never cared.

When he used to talk they would always interrupt him. And he gave up with his speech.

Now because he doesn't talk, they seemed to care more about him then they did before, but if he went back to speaking normally again, they would soon forget about him and interrupt whatever he had planned.

Even if it meant so much to him.

He press the send button on his phone and he watches as the text goes through.

Come round here, I'll see you soon :)

Will do xx

He smiles happily at the love he receives from his friend.

They were nothing more, even though his mum liked to tease him that they were secretly going out. He always shrugged of the topic though, inside he found the thought of it kinda gross. She was a fairly good looking girl, with her long dark chocolate brown hair and her caramel skin.

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