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The next day had arrived, as he hears the annoying continuous beeping sound of his alarm clock go off, he turns around and hits the snooze button, he has to get out of bed.

Joe and Zoe had left soon after, and his parents didn't arrive till later, Harry's sister tried to ask hi what had happened about the accident, since they were in school together, she was just in the younger years.

He hadn't said anything to her.

Once again, Harry had done his usual morning routine, grabbing his boring clothes, this time he went for his favourite blue jumper and some old jogging pants.

He hopped in the shower, cleaning his body as the water dripped down him, it was a short shower today, as he felt like he wanted to get to school a little bit earlier today. He wasn't going to take the bus, he was going to walk.

He hopped out of the shower and got changed before heading downstairs. Still had his parents not made any comments about his bruised face, in fact, today Harry's chest was hurting a lot.

"Harry there is food there," his mum sweetly says, she turns around and looks at him, then she notices, she gazes up and down at his face, and her mouth dangled open.

"What happened?" She asked, she came over to him and cupped his cheeks and she looks at every little bruise and scar.

"He was in a fight I think," Harry's sister, Rosie buts in.

"Fight, that's not you."

Harry pushes her off of him and takes his cereal and sits down, he gave Rosie the death glare, to which she mouthed what and he mouthed back don't say anything about it.

He soon left and walked to school.

He enters the gate and heads down near the cafeteria were his locker was, as he's walking he can't help feel like someone is behind him following him, but when he turned around to see if any one was there, no one was even paying attention to him.

He reaches his locker and unlocks it with the code. 0125, he places his bag inside his locker as he starts to get his books ready for his first period.

"Harry," he hears a voice from behind him say, he turns around, to see Simon behind him, motioning him to come his way, he closes his locker and walks up to him.

"Come with me," Simon says.

Simon says, that means you have to do it.

They both walk off together, and they enter the hallway, he notices as they start to head off to the library, he opens the door and guides Harry to enter.


They go over to a table and sit down across from each other, Harry doesn't know what to do at all.

"Why are we here?"

"I heard that you got in a fight with Alfie the other day, it doesn't seem like your the kind of person that would get in a fight," he smirks.

"So?" He questions.

"The fight was about me kind of?" He laughs. Harry's cheeks flush a dark shade of red, he was so embarrassed that he knew the fight had gone down because of him.

"She says she likes me, but she has feelings for you."

"Oh I know."

"You know?" Harry questions.

"She's not good with keeping it cool you know, fuck, she would throw anyone under the bus to get a man, she did it to you."

"What?!" Harry screams.

"Library!" Shushes a librarian, who is putting shelves back onto the bookshelves, boring job that would be.

I mean, all she did all day was put books back in the shelf and deal with stupid kids all day, ones that wouldn't shut up for anything and ones who were to dumb to find a book about their project of some sort.

"I tested her out, seeing his nice she actually was, I said, and this isn't a insult to you, I just wanted to see what she was like, and I said to her why would you be friends with you cause your a gay nerd."

Harry was really offended by that.

Simon notices, and strokes his shoulder. "It wasn't meant as an insult, I was seeing what she was like, but what she said was rude."

"What did she say?" He was intrigued.

"She said she was only friends with you so she could build up your confidence then crush it back down again, I know that wasn't the reason, and you guys are good friends, that's pretty harsh."

"What a bitch," Harry mutters.

"That's life isn't it?" He smirks.

"Why did I pick a total asshole to be my best friend, I need help."

"Why don't you read a fucking book about it, your in a library after all." They both chuckle lightly and Harry stands up, walking into one of the rows of books. He notices a cover and pulls it out.

Friend making for dummies

He holds it up as Simon walks off. "Is this good," he chuckles.

"Perfect," he replies.

Harry opens the book and notices the first page.

Step 1: Eye contact

When you are about to approach a person you meet, give them eye contact so that they know that you care for whatever they have to say, remember to be nice and smile, and listen to them. A key to a friendship is a person who can be there.

Harry turns around and steps closer to Simon.

"What are you doing?"

"Step 1 is eye contact."

Simon laughs lightly and they were so close he could feel his breathe on his skin. He had to look slightly up since Simon was such a tall boy, but that was fine.

"You have nice eyes, never really notices them before." Simon says.


"So... Am I gaining your friendship?" He questions.

"You gained it a while ago, fuck the book." Simon slaps the book out of Harry's hand, Harry looks at it, but he feels hands cup his cheeks as they rotate his face back to the pretty face he liked.


A smile crawls onto his lips as he leans in closer and kisses the boy, it was a beautiful kiss, a passionate kiss that Harry didn't expect, at first he was taken back, but when he realised what was going on, he didn't hold back.

He kissed him like he had never been kissed before, in some way that was true, he had kissed Ashley, but not like this, and he had never kissed a guy before.

Harry was so stunned by everything that was happening.

Simon pulled away.

"Don't tell anyone about what just happened ok?" Simon says.

Simon says, you have to do it.


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