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Harry looks up to see Simon, leaning on the toilet door cubicles, staring down at him, on the floor, slumped over.

Harry doesn't say anything.

"Listen I'm not asking for you to speak a whole novel. I'm just looking for some words, now, why are you on the floor Harry?" He asks.

"Why do you care?" He snaps back.

"Whoa, why are you so angry!" Simon pretends to be offended, holding his hand to his heart and stumbled back.

"You weren't the nicest to me either, Simon!" Harry grumbles.

"Well when a random boy you don't know much about is staring at your creepily, I wasn't going to be all nice about it was I?" He smirks.

Harry looks away, his cheeks had flushed a bright red from him saying that, he had fight ten that he has awkwardly states at Simon through a window, more than once. It was a little weird.

Harry stands up.

"Got nothing to say now," he laughs.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for staring at you, I know that was creepy," he mutters slowly and quietly, looking down to the ground, kicking his feet.

Simon comes over and leans down to the floor, he looks up at Harry above him, as he stars to pick up Harry's books that are now all scattered on the ground.

"I've seen worse," he replies.

"What's worse?" Harry questions.

"I walked in on Jj, you know, getting down to business," he winks. Harry was shocked that he had said that. It wasn't unexpected for something like that to come out of a mouth like Simon, but he wasn't at all prepared to hear that.

"Oh.. Ok."

"Your so shy aren't you," he smiles.

He stands back up again, and hands Harry his books. Harry smiles, he was so happy right now, so close to the boy he so desperately liked, the boy he wanted to plant his lips onto, the boy who made him so intrigued.

"Thanks Si."

"Si?" He questions.

"Simon, sorry."

"Don't apologise for that, you can call me Si if you want, just no one really calls me that."

"What happened to your face by the way?" Simon asks.

Harry was now feeling very self conscious, he couldn't tell him what had happened with Zoe and himself, because Simon would surely tell the rest of the boys, and Zoe didn't want that just yet.

"Fell down the stairs," Harry lied.

"That must of been a bad fall," Simon whispers slowly, he softly caresses the battered cheek, his head was tilted slightly, his mouth dangling open in full concentration, he could feel Simons breath on his neck, and that made Harry shutter with nerves.

He was close to him, so close to him.

Simon takes a few steps back before smiling. "Bye."

Simon walks out of the bathroom, leaving Harry in a jumble of different feelings, he didn't know what to do with himself, Simon had been so nice and lovely to him, and it made him feel all kinds of things. He was jittery and happy and he wanted to jump up and down.

What was wrong with him?

The bell rang through his ears as he started to walk out of the bathroom to first period. When he has arrived he quickly noticed Ashley sitting on one of the chairs alone, he felt bad, maybe he had over reacted?

He starts to walk over and Ashley notices him, he goes and sits down on the chair next to her, as she smiles happily.

"Harry. I haven't seen you since yesterday, what was going on?" She asks.

"I was just feeling down, I didn't want to bring you down with me, so I thought it was best if we kept our distance, but I'm ok now, and I'm ready to be around you again."

"That's so cute that you didn't want me to be upset, thanks Harry," she kisses his cheek as everyone else floods into the room, Zoe walks in, and she notices Harry immediately, she knew he was gay, and she knew Ashley and him had done a few things.

Zoe hated seeing her kissing him when he didn't feel the same way.


Harry leaned away from the kiss as he grabbed out his phone, Ashley tried to look over his shoulder to who he was texting, but Harry pushed her off, it was his personal messages, he didn't need her looking at them.

Zoe: I know your scared to come out, but you can't let her suffer and think that you like her back, that's cruel to her and yourself

Harry: I know I know, I'll tell her soon,

Zoe: Is that a promise

Harry: Indeed it is

Harry puts his phone back in his pocket and gives Zoe a smile from across the room, as Joe walks in, he gives Harry s disapproving look.

"Who were you texting?" Harry snaps out of his gaze and turns back to Ashley.

"Doesn't matter."

"Yeah it does, who were you texting?"

"You don't need to know."

"What's your problem, I just want to know who you are texting?!" She demands.

Everyone in the room looks over to the pair, Harry was so embarrassed about this, everyone was looking at him, and he felt so awakes and pressured to say something.

"His phone Ash, give it a break."

Simon. That was Simons voice, Harry turned around to see him standing their, everyone then turned their attention to Si, but he didn't care, he sat down next to Jj, and everyone just continued to chat.

Ashley got out of her seat, and went over to sit next to Simon, it was obvious she was upset that he didn't tell her who he was texting, but that was his own personal business that no one else needed to know about.

Ashley was just being a bitch.

He looks over and is slightly angry how she goes and sits next to him, he wraps his arm around her, and he hears them laughing, while he is sat their alone.

Suddenly two guys come over and sit next to him.

"I see your friend left you, don't worry, now you got us," The black hair boy with blue eyes and a fringe smiles. He was wearing bright colours, yet his friend, the one with straight brown hair, dressed in all black was clearly not paying attention.

"Dan!" The black haired one shouts, shaking his shoulder.

"Oh yes, Hi," he says, still on his phone and not looking up.

"Sorry about him, he can be so anti social at times, my name is Phil, I'm sorry if you don't want us here, but I felt bad that your friend over their left you," Phil points over to Ashley.

"Thanks, I'm Harry."

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