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The next morning Harry woke up, he felt different, he had found a life he liked, one where he could wear things he liked and could dress differently.

Unfortunately that life only lived inside of Zoe's bedroom.

He threw the sheets off of him and stood up, stretching out his arms, hawing loudly before walking over to his wardrobe. He picked out some clothes for himself to wear.

Grabbing the clothes he left his room and went towards the bathroom door, the door clicked open as his younger brother Josh walked out, he didn't even stop to notice his face being all battered up.

Shows how caring this family really is.

He laid down his clothes on the counter and his towel, before stripping off his clothes he slept in and turning on the shower.

The hot steamy water dropped all over his skin, he thought about so many things in the shower, because it was a time where he felt full control and relaxation, he could think clearly with no interruptions, and nobody could judge anything he was doing.

He thought about his sexuality, how he was so gay it's hurts.

And he thought about Ashley, and how they were, and what was going to happen between them, because he had avoided everything to do with her when he caught her being a little bit close to Simon.

Simon didn't deserve her.

But what did Simon deserve?

Harry didn't really know much about Simon, other than the fact he was gorgeous, popular and someone that could get lots of girls, and how he was quite bad, that he had landed himself a detention his first day, and how he had already made friends with the popular gang at our school.

Harry didn't deserve Simon either.

Simon was a guy who served a girl, he probably wants a girl, he probably loves the girls with the long flows blonde hair and the beautiful pop of colour eyes, and she was probably short but viscous, she wasn't shy of anything, and she defiantly always was with Simon.

What did Harry think he could get?

There was no way Harry could get over him anytime soon, he was just so captivating that he couldn't not think about him, but he shouldn't get his hopes up about the tall pretty boy.

Rule number one of being gay: Don't fuck with straight guys.

It was a rule he had realised over time, after always dreaming about cute boys he knew he couldn't get because they already had girlfriends or had an eye on a female, it wasn't worth the pain.

Harry stepped out of the shower, before grabbing his clothes, he was wearing a black hooded jumper and some black skinny jeans, today was a day were he wasn't feeling so masculine, but he wasn't feeling so girly either, so he chose no colour, and he wore black.

He steps out of the room and walks back into his, grabbing his phone and his bag, he heads downstairs to the dining room table, he drops his backpack near the stairs as he walks over towards the kitchen.

His mum had already made him breakfast on the counter, but she didn't try to get him to talk today, so he just took jobs bowl and sat down at the table.

"Hello everybody!" Josh says as he runs down the pile of stairs, he grabs his cereal before happily sitting down.

Why the hell is he so happy?

Nobody again noticed what was on his face, as the continued to eat talking and chatting to themselves about how their day was going to go and what they were going to do.

Harry looked over to the time. It was 8:00 and he should really be heading down to school, he sling his bag over his shoulder and ran out the door, not saying goodbye to anyone.

Harry thought he would take the bus.

Normally Harry doesn't take the bus, since he is to awkward and the bus is a prime spot for human activity, I mean, everyone on the bus is normally so loud and annoying, and mainly all the cool kids get on the bus.

Harry wondered if he would see Zoe.

The bus stopped at his stop as he walked up the step and looked at the environment, all the cool kids.

The 5 back seats were taken up by Zoe and Alfie, along with Simon, Josh, and the guy with the weird laugh, who he found out to be Jj by hearing his name being called.

In front of them were Joe and Caspar on one side, with the two Cals on the other.

I'm front of them was Ethan and a pretty girl next to him, maybe his girlfriend, and on the other side was Vik, Ashley's ex, with a new girl.

One row ahead they had Tobi, the boy from detention, he was sat next to Joe Weller. And on the other side where two girls, who were to busy on their phones to notice anyone around them.

Harry was unsure where to sit, and the whole bus was soon looking at him, he heard Alfie chuckle as Ethan raises one eyebrow up, obviously confused that Harry, the shyest boy in the whole school, is on the school bus.

He say Zoe smile, but the smile was replaced with a straight face when Alfie looked over to her, she whispered something in his ear, which was probably something like he's an absolute weirdo, so she wouldn't look like she was secretly good friends with him.

He plonked his bag down on the chair next to him as he sat up the front.

He out in is headphones as he let the music blare all the commotion of the bus, soon he noticed that they were pulling in to the front of the school, to which he quickly grabbed his bag and ran out.

He reached his locker in no time, grabbing his books for first period, which was the all dreaded drama, be jade that meant talking and acting.

He took his stuff and walked away, hiding in the bathroom, waiting for class to start, he still hadn't spoken to Ashley, and since he was in his first class, he didn't know how he was going to approach her. He didn't want to that's for sure.

The door flings open as Joe walks in, he meets Harry eyes with a scowl on his face, as he walks over to Harry and slaps his books out of his hand, with pure anger in his eyes, he pushes Harry back into the wall, leaving Harry to smash the back of his head into the wall.

It hurt like hell.

"I saw you yesterday will Zoe, I don't know what you were doing with her but stay away, I don't want her around you, cause your a prick, OK, your lucky I saw and not Alfie, because if Alfie saw you he would snap you in half and feed you to wolves, so stay away, do you understand that!"

Harry doesn't say anything.

"I said do you understand that!" He yelled.

Harry nodded, a little bit scared, even though Joe was short and skinny, he was very mean and cruel, and he could hurt you in different ways, plus, his boyfriend Caspar was tall and strong, and could beat you up.

Joe was so lucky, he had all his friends that supported him.

Then Harry thought about his dad. And he wondered what Zoe's and Joe dad thinks about Joe and Caspar being together, surely he doesn't know, if he is so homophobic, surely he wouldn't accept his son.

Poor Joe, Poor Zoe.

He sits down on the floor and starts to think, maybe he isn't the only one who has tough times, even the cool kids are having trouble about things.

None of this was fair.

"What are you doing on the floor, Harry?"

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