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Surprisingly, the lesson didn't go as bad as Harry thought it would go, Dan and Phil where incredibly nice to him.

They spent the lesson chatting every so often and Harry even chuckled a few times because of the boys, the were just so contagious, that when they spoke you were almost drawn to them.

Before the end of the lesson, Harry had gotten both boys numbers, so they could talk whenever they wanted, they started a small group chat between the three.

When the bell finally decided to ring, he didn't even wait for Ashley, he instead just stood up from his chair and marched out of the room, she had been rude, and she got mad at him because he wouldn't show her his personal phone messages.

"Harry!" He hears a shout from behind him.

He stops straight in his tracks, he knows by that high pitch American accent that it was Ashley.

He rotates around to see her running up to him, she jumps on him with full pace. Harry nearly buckled but he managed to keep it together, in no way was Harry a strong person, so holding her up, even though she is quite small, still was a fair challenge for him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been like," she apologises. He lowers her back down as she kisses his jawline. Harry shivers, he shouldn't do this to her.

"It's ok." He replies.

They both walk to their second period together, the didn't at all speak a word, they just trotted to class in pure silence. Harry looked back a few times to see others behind him. This class didn't have Simon in it, he knew that.

They arrived at the art room as the opened up the door and took their seats at the back of the class.

Alfie walked in, without Zoe, but he was with Joe. Joe still hated Harry for being near Zo, and when their eyes met he gave him a harsh look, Alfie didn't recognise as they took their seats.

Josh, the boy who had tried to be nice to Harry walked in, Harry gave the boy a smile, since he had been so rude to the boy when they had first met.

Josh waved at him, so he returned the gesture and politely waved back.

"Since when have you and Josh been all nice together?" Ashley asked. She looked a little concerned for him.

"He was being nice, he waved, I waved back."

"Don't hang around with them, their bad news."

"You left me and started hanging out with Simon, why can't I talk to them, you told me I should try to talk to more people." He argued.

"I know I said that, but not them. Their bad," she says.

"Then why do you get to hang with them?"

"I'm allowed to."

"And I'm not?" Harry whisper shouts.

"They will tear you down so far, I have experience on these kind of things that you don't."

"You think I'm a baby don't you?" He asks, he was hurt about what she had said. He could handle them, he manages to handle Zoe and the last contact he had with Simon was fine.

"I don't think your a baby, Harry is just that."

"You have a crush on Simon," he interrupts.

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