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The whole day Harry couldn't seem to concentrate on anything. The whole time he was thinking about the moment he has just shared with Simon.

They had kissed, their lips had been pressed together, and it was the best thing he had ever experienced.

Harry couldn't focus on anything the teachers said, he just sat their still in awe of what had happened, he knew that this didn't help him get over Simon, but then again, did he really have to? If Simon was daring enough to kiss Harry first then why should Harry stop liking him, that means something right?

Maths was the third period of the day, it was also the period that he shared alongside Simon, he was really hoping that Simon would say something about it to him, but unlikely.

Simon wasn't very open, he told him to not tell anyone and left the next second, and no way was the cool guy Simin Minter going to stomp into class and sit next to the shy Harry Lewis, which no one even knew his surname anyway.

But regardless of wether Simon decided to chat to him or not, he was excited to see Simon there.

He walked to the building, as he opened up the door, no one was in there, as he was mostly always the first one to be there, he decided to sit closer to the back.

The room started to fill up as he saw Ashley enter. She sat up the front, and had a small little glance at him before sitting down on her chair.

Zoe walked in alongside Joe, Alfie wasn't there, but he wasn't in their math class, Harry didn't even know what had happened to Alfie after the incident that unfolded yesterday, he wondered if he had gotten a detention or was suspended.

Joe this time didn't give him the death glare, but instead gave him a friendly smile as the sat down near the window, Zoe was in front and Joe was behind, because when Caspar was to roll in, he knew that they would sit next to each other.

Harry looks over to the clock, class was about to start in 1 minute, and Simon still wasn't here.

"This is Simon Minter you are talking about, he's always late for class."

The Teacher walked in, and this time it was a replacement.

"Hello class, today I'm going to be teaching you, since your regular teacher isn't here today." She had a soft smile, when she smiled a small little dimple appeared on her cheek, kinda like Simon.

She had long straight blonde hair that was so long it reached past her bum, he didn't know how someone could have such long hair and keep it in such good condition.

His mind wandered to different things as he headed the door creak open, he turned around hopefully to see Simon walking in casually, late as ever.

But no. It wasn't Simon.

"Hello?" Asked the substitute teacher, he had completely missed her name while day dreaming.


"Josh, why are you late?" She asks.

"I was trying to get my friend to come to class but he wouldn't, your lucky I at least came." He smiled.

Josh looked for a seat in the room, and Harry did too, there was many spare seats he could have sat, but his eyes met Harry and the free chair that was next to him, as he scrolled over to the seat and sat down.


Harry waved politely.

"Everyone open your textbooks to page 98." The teacher instructed.

The pair opens the books as they grabbed out the writing book and scribbled down notes, it was dead silent between them too, even though the rest of the room was happily talking, then Josh leaned in and whispered into Harry's ear.

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