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"Can I take you somewhere," Simon randomly asks, looking at the blonde in front of him, Harry's lips upturn, smiling at his companion, he nods his head slightly, both getting up from the bed and walking downstairs to the front door.

"Where are we going?" Harry questions, Simon slipped on his shoes in a matter of seconds, waiting for Harry to hurry up and move out of the doorway for him to shut it. "Not telling you," he says smugly, a smirk apparent on his face, Harry huffs like a young sassy toddler, somehow Simon considered his huff cute.

They walk down the road together, as much as Harry would hate to admit it, he did feel more safe with another person walking down the street with him, Simons neighbourhood was intimidating, Harry grew up in the main focal point of town, near the shops and the pristine homes, Simon lived in a 180, a dump.

They walked down the streets, Harry still having no clue where he is being taken, Simon refuses to tell him anything about their location, replying with meaningless answers that don't answer his questions, saying that he needs to be patient and wait till they get there.

They eventually arrived at a hotel, Harry looked over to Simon, questioning why they had come here, Simon pulled him through the doors, not bothering to check in to reception, and pulled him into the nearest elevator, he clicked the button that went to the top floor, his stomach feeling jittery as they made their way up high above ground level, they stepped out, walking down the corridor to an unlocked door, with a few flights of stairs.

They walked up the stairs together, Harry skeptical of what they were doing, but Simon reassured him everything would be fine, getting to the top flight of stairs and pushing yet again another door open, finally greeted with cold air, Harry stepped out onto the roof top of the sky scraping building.

He gazed down in awe, cautious to go to the edge, scared me might have one small trip that would end in disaster, it was beautiful up here, the sun was out, you could see everything clearly, it was beautiful, he could see the school from here, finding it amusing on the people who were currently sitting in a classroom probably listening to a boring lesson, here he was, feeling like he had concurred the world.

Simon sat down on the edge of the building, his feet dangling below to the death drop beneath him, he motioned Harry over, coaxing him into sitting down beside him, promising his safety wouldn't be compromised, and if he did fall, Simon would follow.

Harry found that statement melting his heart, that if he was to die, Simon would die alongside him, he would do the same.

Harry sat down next to him, his hands sweaty, he was so close to the edge, so close to death, Harry wasn't a risk taker, he's never done something like this before, he looked over, Simon being so relaxed right now, not fazed by the impending doom that was underneath them.

"How many times have you been up here?" Harry asks. "A few times, never taken anyone up here before though, normally I chill here by myself."

"Chill?" Harry exclaims. Simon laughs. "It sounds mental, but being here looking down at this view, it reminds you that your alive, that your real, that you can do anything. Look down Haz, look at the view, we are metres above the city, doesn't this make you feel like you have something to live for."

"Do you feel like there nothing to live for?" Harry asks, picking up on the last few words Simon had said, Simon nods. "Sometimes, how could you not?"

"Don't you ever wonder why where here, don't you ever think why we are here on this planet when it all will end, human race is a mistake, don't you feel that way?"

"Human race isn't a mistake, it's an opportunity, you have a life Simon, one where you choose the path, you can be happy, cherish every moment and feel a sense of enjoyment, what's the other choice, having nothing, a sempiternal sleep?"

"You can't be happy all the time Haz," Simon gloomily replies. Hardy shuffles closer to Simon. "But your happy right now, being on top of this building makes you happy right?" He glances over to the silver headed boy, who nods his head in agreement. "That's something."

"What makes you happy Harry, what makes you feel like there is something to live for," Simon asks, his voice lathered with curiosity, genuinely wanting to know what made the boy smile, what made the boy continue his days.

"You really want me to answer that," Harry asks. "It's so cheesy," he whines. "Say it!" Simon edges him on, Harrys shoulders drop, huffing out a fine.

"You, it's you that makes me think there is something to live for."

"Before I met you I was another mute, another sad closeted gay boy, even though we had our things that separated us I can't deny that the feelings have never vanished, you've done a lot for me, remember when you spoiled me with presents, I still have that skirt Si. One day I'll wear it loud and proud, one day I'll walk down the street with you loud and proud."

A tear drops form Harrys eye, never had he said something so emotional to Simon like that, it had surprised himself, but his words where true. He intertwines his hands with Simons, both sitting in comfortable silence, Harry puts his head on Simons shoulder, not saying anything for a good ten minutes, simply because silence right now was the best, they just had a few minutes of just being next to each other, that was enough.

Simon eventually kisses the top of Harry's head, making the blonde boy flush a rosy pink colour on his cheeks.

"What you said was really sweet Harry," Simon speaks. "It was all true."

"I'm not that good."

"Yes you are."

"No Harry, I'm not."

"Yes Simon, you are."

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