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They reach their lockers finally, and as Harry starts to open it, he hears the pounds of footsteps come from behind, he grabs his things for maths slowly.

The locker next to him is now open, and he sees the pretty boy that he loves to stare at. The pretty boy makes eye contact with him.

"You know, I would appreciate it if you didn't fucking stare at me all the time," he spat.

Harry turned around for backup from his best friend, but Ashley was to busy twirling her hair in her fingers, talking away to her ex boyfriend, Vik.

"She said she was over him, what a loud of bullshit." Harry thought, angry that his best friend was supposed to be attracted to him, yet goes of with any guy she likes.

He turns back around and this time the tall boy pulls at his collar, leading Harry to drop all of his books on his feet. He wants to yell and cry in pain, but he doesn't, he wasn't a wimp.

Not in front of strangers anyway.

"Why the fuck were you sitting out your goddam window staring at me on Saturday, listen that is just a little bit creepy, and I saw you glancing at me in English too, so stop!"

The boy walks away and Harry feels as if he wants to smash his head against the wall of lockers.

Closing it down and picking his books back up, he walks to the Math building, he was unfortunately late, and he had no excuse, plus he never said anything so he could never get out of the situation.

" Detention, Harry!" Mr Mark yelled.

He huffed and sat down at his table, everyone had taken out their work but this time Harry was to distracted to do his work, the boy he had liked had been so rude and mean to him, maybe he wasn't the one that Harry was gonna end up with after all.

Harry took out his phone and played that for the lesson, he never cared about Math anyway, and Mr Mark was to busy grading papers then to notice what he was doing, normally Harry wasn't like this, but for some reason, he didn't care as much.

And the reason was the tall boy.

The door clicks open and in walks Ashley.

"Ashley! Why are you very late to class, normally your here on time with your friend Harry, but you both seem late today, your in detention also!"

"Wait? Harry was late!" She yells as she looks at Harry like he was some three headed monster in the room. Mr Mark nods.

"Why were you late!" He booms again.

"I was showing a new boy to his class sir."

"She lying, she was to busy flirting with her ex boyfriend than to get to class, but of course Mr Stupid Mark will let her out of detention for that excuse."

He did.

Ashley walks over to where Harry had been sitting and takes the spot next to him, she takes out her things when she notices that Harry hasn't done anything but take his phone out, she smirks.

"Since when has Harry been a baddie."

He shrugs and just continues to play the stupid level of the game he can't seem to beat.

"Harry, you should really do the work."

"Why?" He mouths.

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