"I know you don't want to be here, (Y/N). It's just a business run. We'll leave soon." Samuel coos into my ear, gently stroking my hair.

How it calms me so. I curl my fingers into fists and close my eyes, once more taking in the familiar scent of Samuel and falling asleep in his arms.




I'm harshly awoken as I'm thrown to a hard, wooded floor. My head connects to the ground and screams out in pain.

"Agh!" I shout out, "Samuel, that hurt!"

When I look around to scold Samuel, I see four other figures. Three men, and one woman. My eyes directly meet the woman's as she stares back at me. There is no Samuel in sight.

One man had glasses on, bifocals from what I could see. He had short brown hair and was of decent height. He also had a scar coming from the bottom of his left eye. Another man was very, very tall, standing at least six feet. He had long black hair that reached to his shoulders, and wore a black trench coat. He had a butcher knife seeping from out of the pocket. The man next to the tall one was very skinny, almost looking as he had been starved.   His bones easily showed through his skin, and he looked as if he had beaten constantly. He had dirty blonde hair, and dark brown eyes, almost the same of Samuels. The woman was beautiful. She was as pale as snow with white hair. I don't think it was normal, but it was definitely pretty. She had icy blue eyes and wore a black mask on the lower half of her face.

I look up at the four in awe, too terrified to say anything.

"Cat got your tongue, or are you scared?" The tall man asks me, leaning down to grip my chin.

I don't respond.

"Probably scared." He laughs.

I look at the man who wore glasses as he flips through a tiny notebook. He sighs and throws it onto the ground, kicking it towards me. "I told that boy."

"Where is Samuel? What have you done with him?" I demand, standing to my feet. These people do not fear me. I'll take them all on if I have to, but I have to retrieve my friend first. Where is he?

"Mr. Bekket? He is out right now completing a mission for us." The man with glasses answers, "I am Edward Tate. I have two things to say: 1. Do not look me in my eyes. I have a major issue with that. 2. You're going to be here for a bit, so get comfortable."

His words shock me and I walk up close to him, "I am not staying here. I'm leaving."

"I wouldn't do that. I get upset very quickly." Edward says quietly.

I ignore him and continue to make my way towards the exit. They have no power to keep me here against my own will.

As I turn the knob, I'm yanked down by the throat back onto the hard wood floor.

"Let go of me!" I grab the intruders face harshly and pull it over my head, forcing their neck to strain.

The woman with white hair.

Oddly strong for someone of her size, I must say. Incredibly impressive considering she's able to withstand someone of my strength.

She pulls me by the hair and grabs something from the inside of her shirt, not saying a word.

"Let go!" I scream and flail my legs around.

She holds up a long knife and yanks my head to the side, pointing the weapon at the center of my neck. I look out of the corner of my eye to see her blue eyes staring directly back at me with an uninterested glare.

"Reece, bring her downstairs to the basement. We've an interrogation to begin. We've got to hurry before her little friend comes back. You know how Samuel gets when angry." The tall man yawns, cupping his mouth and stretching his long arms. Edward shoves up his glasses and gives out a sinister laugh.

"Reece here is our personal attacker. Whenever Kenny and I don't feel like wasting energy on someone useless, she's our go-to." He says.

Kenny? No, this isn't right. Did I hear that correctly? Kenny as in....Levi's uncle?

The woman they call Reece, yanks me tightly by the tips of my hair, still pointing the knife at my neck, and drags me across the floor.

The skinny frail man looks apologetically at me and plays with his small wrists.

"Samuel will kill you." I say as Reece opens a door that would lead downstairs.

Edward and Kenny laugh at the same time.

"You've it wrong, Miss. Mr. Bekket works for us, and if ever even has the slightest slip up in what we address, well." Edward looks over at Kenny who holds up his butcher knife. He brings it close to his neck and acts as if he slides it against it. After, he drops his neck and sticks his tongue out, making the 'bleh' sound.

"Then I'll kill you myself. I swear on it." Reece pulls me backward and begins to shut the door. The last thing I hear from Edward is,

"Good luck." And Reece slams the door, sticking a metal slider against it, locking us inside.
Short chapter. So sorry. It would've been longer but I'm very tired.

Quick fun fact: Reece, the woman with white hair, rarely speaks. The reason she wears a mask is because her lips are stitched together and it's not a pleasant sight to look at. She can speak, she just chooses not to because it hurts her. I wasn't going to create her, but then I was like, this story needs some woman drama in it, there's too many dudes, and then boom, Reece was created!

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