That was until Roger spoke, “Berkley, close the door.”

I looked at Roger, “She can’t hear this.”

He sighed, and I felt Taylor move around the room and sit in the chair beside me. Roger smiled sympathetically, “She’s my partner, and she can hear anything I can.”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Now I was more distracted by the fact that Berkley was Roger’s partner, and I knew telling Roger about Walker was going to include Taylor now. I rolled my eyes, running my hand through my hair, “Nick Walker contacted me about fifteen minutes ago.”

Roger’s jaw nearly dropped, and he looked as if he was about to fall out of his seat. He spoke eagerly, “What did that bastard say to you? Did he threaten you?”

Taylor seemed cool and collected on the side of me, and she seemed to be watching Roger react with hate just like I was. I knew Roger had beef with this Walker guy, because Walker’s old partner Mendoza gunned down Fred all those years ago. Not to mention Walker tried to kill me as well.

“No, Roger, he offered to talk to me in person. He told me the government is planning to come after me, and that if we don’t work together a lot of people are going to die. Roger I don’t want that.”

“Talk to you in person? Is he mad? He’s just pulling your leg Andy, he’s full of shit and lies… and shit!”

Taylor giggled next to me at Roger’s choice of words, and I had to admit, they were quite funny. I sighed, placing my hands in my lap, “He told me to bring whoever I want, and that he is going alone. Roger I’m telling you he’s telling the truth.”

Roger seemed torn, and I knew he was skeptical, I was too, but for some reason I was still sure that Walker was telling the truth.

Roger raked his hand through his short hair, “Fine. But I’m going, and Berkley’s going too.”

I added, “Max and Gage are coming as well.”

His piercing eyes looked at me, and he nodded, “Ok, what about Avery then?”

I responded quite bluntly, “She’s not coming.”

He seemed a little shocked at my response, but instantly decided that he shouldn’t ask, and I was grateful. I couldn’t tell anyone what Avery had told me or they would most likely kill her, and I couldn’t do that to her. Even though I’m sure she had tried to help others kill me instead.

I just couldn’t believe it.

I spoke, “He wants to meet Monday night, at midnight.”

Roger nodded, jotting down some notes as I handed him my phone, and he wrote down the address to wherever we were meeting. He spoke, “We’re staking out an hour early, just in case, and if he shows up alone we’ll get down, if not… well you know.”

The Catalyst (GirlXGirl)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя