"He never really has besides giving me an engagement ring. I was super stoked about getting engaged. I thought I was going to end up going down the aisle." It was a good time until it ended.

"Did you buy the dress?"

"I actually did get one," I answer, being honest. I was really so close to becoming his wife. "It was pretty cute. I would have been amazing in it with my hair done and makeup."

"Did you take it back after you broke it off with him?" He is just going to ignore the hair and makeup part?

I paid for that as well before it and had to tell them not to do it. I paid for everything in advance. The people I hired were sort of friends who needed money up front and were good at doing hair and makeup. I allowed them to keep the money despite them wanting to give it back.

"Nah, I burned it." I didn't want to keep it. I would have to see it then.

"Why would you burn it? You could have just got your money back."

I shrug. "Guess I was angry."

Dan moves closer to me and he looks into my eyes. "You were act weird when you're angry. It is kind of like a child who doesn't get their way. It is sort of cute and appealing."

"Are you hitting on me right now?" I don't understand why he would. "Does it turn you on to see me like that?"

"Sort of. Is it working?" So, he is hitting on me?

"It would if you were my type," I reply, turning him down.

"What a shame." He smiles, amused by getting rejected. I am pretty sure he's messing with me, but I don't really care too much.

"You're just messing with me right now. I can see that you are." He wouldn't waste his actual time hitting on me and trying to hook up with me. He's not into me.


I laugh. "I would have freaked out if you started hitting on me," I tell him, lying a little.

"I wouldn't want to freak you out. Anyways, thank you for helping me out with everything here. You keep Poppy from stressing out over everything little thing that goes on."

"I'm glad you're thanking me despite everything bad I have done to you. I made you out to be the bad guy yet you're kind to me." I still feel like he is trying to get something, but I don't know what it could be. Maybe Miyuki's phone number so he can text her and figure out if he truly does know her or not?

"I'm not always kind to you."

"That is kind of true."

"So, Kara, what are you going to do tomorrow?"

I don't really know that yet, but I'll probably go and see Parad. "Probably meet up with a friend," I tell him, giving him a simple answer.

"You have friends that don't work here do you?"

"I have someone I'm very close to," I answer, laughing a little "He's cute too. Cuter than you. And he's more of my type. Why am I laughing about knowing him?"

"I guess you must have a crush on him. Have I seen him around you at all? I might be able to give my opinion on you two if I have."

Crush? Me? On Parad? No way!

"You only see me around here with the boys from this place. Also, you might have seen me with Taiga Hanaya, but I don't know about that. You know, since you're not around when he is with me and my friend. My friend is really, really into him."

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now