Scene 20

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"What? Wait... Slow down. I can barely make out what you are saying?" Dean said into his phone. His phone had just rung, as the boys had been leaving the diner after a huge dinner.

Sam snapped his fingers into the silence, indicating he wanted the keys to the Impala, so he could get in out of the cold. Dean ignored him, holding up one finger to silence him, as he listened intently to whoever was on the other end of the call.

"When?" Dean asked to the night. More silence as he listened. Sam was growing impatient, stamping his feet to warm up, his breath showing on the night air.

"No way... Thanks for calling Pete. We will be in touch." Dean hit the 'end call' button. He was putting the phone back in his pocket as Sam just stood there; a shocked look on his face at the mention of Pete's name. Finally, Sam could not wait any longer.

"That was Pete? What did he say? Does he have something?"

Dean smiled as a looked over the car at Sam, "Yes... A hunter called with a story today. It happened three days ago, about a two-hour drive from here and..." Dean paused to emphasise the next piece of information, "he saw a girl..."

Sam was looking pleased with this piece of information, though he knew, now, there was no way he was going to get to sleep in a bed tonight.

"So... Are we going?" Sam asked Dean, even though he already knew the answer.

"Of course." replied Dean, hopping into the car.

The drive back out of town was quick, and before they knew it, the boys had arrived at the motel.

'Motel' is perhaps the wrong word for what this place was; it was more like a series of small, single-roomed cabins, with kitchenettes and en-suites. The cabins were set back into the forest, away from the main car park where a small home served as housekeeping and reception.

Dean and Sam were in the fourth cabin, the furthermost away from the reception and car park; it was a bit of a walk.

Dean parked up and Sam got out first. As he started making his way up to the cabin, Dean lagged behind - locking up the car - they were leaving soon, but Dean took no chances when it came to his baby.

As Dean walked up the path to the cabin, he paused to have a look around; Dean felt as if someone, or something, was watching him. A slow scan of the surrounding forest revealed nothing to him and, shaking the feeling off, he made his way up and into the cabin.

The boys packed quickly and were ready to go in no time at all. Dean started to walk out when Sam said that he had to 'hit the head' first.

Dean told him to get a hurry on and that he would wait in the car. Making his way down the path, Dean stopped suddenly when he heard a noise, in the forest, to his right.

"Who is there?" he called out... The noise had stopped and nobody replied but spooked by the dark night, Dean slowly moved his bag to his left hand, while reaching inside for his gun. "I'm packing!" he called to the forest.

Still nothing.

Dean moved slowly towards the car trying to shake the feeling that there were now two different sources, watching him. Moments later, he heard a second noise more clearly than that first rustle, and a chill went down his spine, as the hair on the back of his neck rose. For that... was surely the growl of hellhound?

Panic, driving his actions, Dean dropped the bag and put two hands on the gun. He slowly turned around on the spot where he stood, trying to make out where the sound had come from; the poorly lit path revealed nothing to him as he spun. 'Damn it... Where was Sam?' he thought.

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