Scene 19

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A day later, the boys were northwest of where they had started out four weeks ago, a tiny little place, about three hours north of Minneapolis.

They had practically driven non-stop, taking turns to drive and sleep, stopping only for food and the usual pit stops. Both boys seemed to be feeling a sort of urgency now, to get on with their search.

The boys were tired of this constant travelling and had decided to take a break in the next motel they came across. Lucky for them, they had come across 'Te Voilà', a motel on the outskirts of town. Lucky, because everything in town was completely booked, because of some local fair; the signposts were dotted all along the road as they drove into town to get dinner; 'Dayshaun Fair' they read.

Once in town, Sam took off to get some supplies at the local store, while Dean headed straight to a small diner, called Bob's Place, for some pie.

Dean was sitting in a booth that was in the front window. Dusk was soon approaching and dinnertime was near, but the diner was empty, except for one lone figure, in a hat, who sat at the counter. To Dean, it looked like the dude was eating a burger and a milkshake and this was giving him ideas; where was Sam?

There was a song playing on the jukebox, 

           'Are you alone, Are you afraid, Are you searching for me, Why did you go I had to stay, Now I'm reaching for you...'

The Diner was a bit of a throwback to the sixties, but if the truth were told, it was a dive, and this was most likely the reason nobody was there. It did not bother Dean; the pie was good.

Sitting there, eating his pie, Dean heard the squeak of the chair at the counter as it turned. The lone figure had risen to leave. Next, Dean heard footsteps moving towards the door, he turned his head to have a look just as the bell over the door chimed, indicating that the front door had opened.

In that same instant, Dean noticed that the man had left his jacket slung over the chair next to where he had been sitting.

Dean called out, but the door slammed shut as he did so. Dean sighed. He was not in the mood right now to be helping someone, but he knew how cold it was outside so he got up anyway. Dean grabbed the jacket off the chair and took off outside after the man.

Dean called out, "Hey mate. You forgot your jacket." but the man did not seem to hear, he just kept moving away from Dean. Dean started jogging, to catch up to the man and when he was almost there he repeated, "Mate... You left your jacket."

"It is not mine..." Came the reply, only the voice did not seem to match that of a man, but rather a young teen.

"Sure it is... Hey! Stop already." Dean blurted out, for the man just kept walking, not giving Dean a chance to give the jacket back. The man finally stopped walking as Dean added, "It was sitting right by you and I can see you don't have a jacket on. So no need to be so rude about it and just take it already."

The man turned around and for the first time, Dean realised it was not a man all, but rather, it was a girl. She had big hazel eyes and although she wore a hat, Dean could see her hair was a strawberry blonde colour and came down just above her shoulders.

"I was not being rude. It is not mine." she said staring at Dean, defying him to say she was lying.

"Alright then... My mistake..." Dean exclaimed, raising both hands into a, 'I give up' position - the jacket clearly visible in his left hand. "I will just leave it here then..." Dean added, draping the jacket over one of the many signs for the Dayshaun fair.

Dean was not sure what was wrong with the girl, but it was clear she did not want his help and he had plenty of other things on his mind, right at that moment, "that way... whoever lost it will see it and can pick it up... and then they will be a bit warmer in this weather..." As he finished talking, Dean turned and headed back to the diner.

When Dean got to the door of the diner, he could see the girl in the reflection of the glass; she stood there looking at the jacket. It looked to Dean like she wanted to pick it up, but she was clearly undecided. As he opened the door, the girl did pick the jacket up, put it on and then, she walked away.

Dean was still puzzling over what happened with the girl, and the jacket, when Sam walked into the diner, shopping bag in hand, but he quickly forgot this dilemma when Sam asked, "What is good here?"

Fade out

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