Scene 5

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After dragging Dean away from Castiel, Sam had him pinned against a pillar in the library.

"She is not dead..." Dean yelled again, struggling against Sam's grip.

"How can you be so sure?" beseeched Sam.

"I can feel her!" Dean admitted.

In Sam's shock, Dean managed to push him off. Deflated now, Dean whispered, "I can feel her..."

There was only silence, occasionally marked with heavy breaths from either of the boy's.

"You can feel her?" Sam raised his eyebrows, in a questioning manner, at Dean.

"Yes..." conceded Dean, "I have always felt her. I have always known. It was stronger when I was young, but even now when I sit and really try to reach out, I can feel her."

"What! Like a twin thing?" exclaimed Sam.

"I don't know Sammy." Dean sighed, "I just can..."

"But, you never said anything..." Sam pointed out.

"Yeah, well I learnt that lesson early..." Sam's expression showed that he had no idea what Dean was talking about, and his shrug indicated that Dean should continue with an explanation.

"About a month before... Mary died... We were in your room. She had just put you down for a nap and was walking out of the room. I was in front of her and asked - where is my sister? Her eyes widened in shock and - I did not know - whether she was scared or angry... but then, she hit me. She hit me so hard I smashed into the wall, my head split open, and she... She walked away..." Dean was close to tears.

As Dean spoke, he had lifted his hand up to his head and he was rubbing his temple as if to take away the pain of the small four-year-old boy. Dean moved his hand slowly down his face, wiping his eyes dry, before looking over at Sam and continuing, "That night, at dinner, dad asked what was wrong with my face and she told him that I had been running and tripped down the stairs from the landing. I looked at her man, begging her to tell the truth, but she didn't look at me and then..."

Dean sighed, turning away from Sam as he finished, "dad scolded me for being careless and running in the house. He scolded me for her lie and... she... she did not care. I learnt then, not to ask about my sister. Over time, I decided it was not real, like an imaginary friend or something, but I never forgot. I might not have said anything... But I never forgot."

Fade out    

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