Scene 10

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Dean killed the engine to the Impala, "You thinking vampires?" he asked of Sam.

"Don't know. Maybe. The paper did say that all their blood had been drained." Sam reported.

"All right. How do you want to play this?" Dean asked as he hopped out of the car.

Moments later the boys were inside the morgue, FBI badges ready, but they need not have bothered, the place was deserted.

Walking down a poorly lit corridor, Sam opened the door to the cold storage room. Just inside the door was a coat rack with one lab coat on it, a name badge reading J. Schmidt. Dean touched it, as he walked past, on his way over to the freezers.

Dean walked down the wall of freezers, reading off names as he went. Finally, at the fourth freezer along he came to a stop and cried, 'Bingo!' he then ceremoniously opened the door and slid the tray out.

Sam was on the other side of the tray, as he pulled the white sheet back, "Dude..." it sounded a lot like ewe, "I was not... expecting that..." declared Dean. The look on Sam's face; showed that he agreed totally.

Dean poked the body, "It's like stone, but it still looks human. And what's with that face?" The body's face was contorted - disfigured even, as the jaw had unhinged, making it look frozen in a pose of extreme fear.

"I guess vampires are off the table?" Sam ruled.

"You think!" was Dean's quick-witted reply.

"The stone man... Like Medusa?" Dean was merely thinking aloud now, trying to reason away what he was seeing before him.

"You think a mystical creature, looked at him and he what... turned to stone..." Sam scoffed at Dean's bizarre notion.

"Come on Sammy, have we, or have we not, seen some truly weird stuff in our time?" Dean countered.

Sam shook his head, not fully believing Dean's new direction, but he had no plausible idea of his own.

Just then, a door opened in the distance and footsteps started approaching the boys. Sam pulled the sheet back over the dead dude, while Dean shoved the tray roughly, back into the freezer, and with a flick of his wrist the door was...

Two men came through the door to the room and surprise rang across their faces, as they saw Dean and Sam sitting, idly, at the desk.

"Can I help you?"

"Who let you in here? This is a restricted area." The two men spoke at the same time, the first question from the sheriff and the second from the man in the lab coat, presumably the medical examiner.

"Jimmy told us to meet him here." Dean said, taking a punt on what the J on the lab-coat stood for. He stood up and moved towards the two men.

"You mean, Johnny?" The medical examiner asked, looking up at Dean through his small eyeglasses.

"Not sure... Had a bad connection... Sounded like Jimmy... Agent Spade" Dean said, finally flashing his badge at the two men, "Darke" he said, motioning to Sam while putting his badge away.

"We were informed of a conspiracy involving two murders, and asked to come over and lend a hand in an investigation, by... one..." Dean flipped open a notebook, he had pulled out of his pocket, "Deputy Schmidt."

"Dammit John. I have told you time and again to put a leash on that lad." This was the sheriff talking to the man in the coat. The sheriff turned to Dean, apologising, "Agent, I'm sorry. There would appear to be a mix-up. The man who called you is no more than a janitor for the morgue. He definitely is not a deputy and had no jurisdiction to call you in."

"So... No conspiracy then?" Asked Sam, trying to look slightly annoyed at the inconvenience of the situation.

"No, no, no, no. Nothing like that... Two unusual deaths, yes, but no conspiracy" The sheriff replied.

"So, you don't need our help?" Asked Dean not really sure he wanted out that easily. This was definitely something right up their alley, even if he had no idea how so.

"Well... I certainly would not turn you away, if you were willing to help. I am short-staffed as it is, and hard at it, and in all honesty... I have absolutely no idea what I have on my hands!" declared the sheriff.

A broad smile flashed across Dean's face as he said, "Happy to help."

Fade out    

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