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dan felt secured, but detached from phil as they walked down the muggy streets of london. phil's protective arm wrapped around his small waist made him feel like there was still something between them. but the nagging reality set in as he realized that his utopia was wilted and gone, and so was his part of phil's garden. replaced by he knows not.

   they rounded the street corner, coming up on the vintage movie theatre that was in their area. knowing that it was less crowded than the surrounding buildings. they already felt crowded on their on, thick air choking them as they tried to swim to the top of their raging waters. each having a battle of their own, for different but oddly similar reasons. for they were drowning in the same water, out of reach from the other, so no matter how much they cried for help, the other couldn't do a thing.

   dan noticed phil choke up at the sight of someone. his grip loosened on his waist, and dan didn't fight him. just letting him slip through his frail fingers. his grasp on phil already so loose. he couldn't hold back someone like phil. not in a million years.

   it was a girl, about dan's height, shoulder length curly black hair, just like phil's. she was wearing a tight black dress. extenuating her curves. her hips were magnificent and her figure was stunning. she had dazzling green eyes that would entice anyone. just like phil's blue eyes. dan looked between the two and something clicked.

   this was the person phil wanted, and dan could understand how he chose her over him.



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