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   "i'm going out, it's for the best, dan." phil uttered. a hint of frustrating and sorrow could be heard. anyone with an ounce of sense about love would understand what phil was trying to say. he was saying he needed time alone. away from dan. away from it all. and even dan could tell, did he wish to believe it, no. he wished it wasn't true, that they hadn't fought, that it was a dream. but that's not how you can control something.

   dan held back a sob. it racked through his body like a million thundering storms. it manifested, making it almost impossible to breath. he could feel the swelling water in his lungs, but he couldn't do a thing. he wouldn't cry. he would not let himself show that this had hurt him so deeply.

   they had gotten in a fight. over what, dan couldn't even tell you if he tried. it was a dumb reason no doubt. it was probably a small quarry that had gotten out of control. dan must have overreacted forging phil on to yell. dan knew that phil didn't mean a word he said when he was in a state like this. but it still hurt.

   so dan let himself fall. back pressed against the wall that was nearest him. the wall next to the door phil had just left. the sobs coursing through his body continued to manifest. soon, a single tear fell from his eyes, followed in suit by a million more.

   "it scares me how much i am indebted in your favor, if i dare so say."

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