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"you should, come round to my place," evelyn pressed on. phil only chucked. mind still ablaze with the taste of her cherry lips, the way her thighs felt under his touch. nothing like dan's. not even close. not close in any way possible or imaginable. evelyn's touch seemed to almost burn phil. he shied away from it now, but only minutes before he was embracing it.

he had realized what he had done. much too late in the opinion of many if they were to be asked. and it scared phil. what if dan found out, phil knew he was in the wrong. that this was his fault and dan would have every reason to leave him. and he would be backed up on his choice too.

phil had messed up, and he sees that now. if only he had seen it before he had done the deed. if he hadn't kissed her. if he hadn't lead her on. he's not even, mildly interested in her. quite the opposite. but here he is, so utterly in love with the boy of his dreams. but what to scared to voice how he feels. to open up to dan, to show him how in love he is with him. phil can't do it.

"i don't think i should. i'm sorry, you're lovely, i bet anyone would be lucky to have you. but that someone isn't me." phil said, eyes tired and smile worn. evelyn's smile fell. her eyes turning dark. before phil could hear or entertain the prospect of her trying to keep him. he was already leaving.

what had he done.

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