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phil awoke with an all too familiar hallow feeling. his heart was heavy as he tried taking in air. his lungs shook as he tried his best to calm down. the events of last night flooded into his mind. the cutting of the flowers, the burning sensation, the thickets of dead roses. the sounds evelyn made, the sinful things phil did. he was so hallow.

he looked past his fears, which were turning into reality with every step he took farther into the thicket, he looked at evelyn.

he watched as her chest rose and fell. how her skin was painted in a sea of reds and blues. her skin was covered in freckles, but also accompanied by sinful marks. like phil had painted circles of pure lust. phil was so ashamed of himself. more scared than anything. he had let evelyn burn the flowers he thought were the most beautiful. he let her come and push him through a thicket of dead roses. probably things that could've been beautiful. but they weren't.

   phil wanted to cry, again. he wanted to just cry. he wanted to run back home to dan. to feel his embrace just one more time. he wanted to make sure that dan was still there. he knew that he'd leave dan. he was too scared. to awfully in love. it scared him. even disgusted him somewhat. it was like swimming through a lake filled with black water. like it was toxic. this whole thing had become so, so toxic.

   so phil did what he wanted, he ran back home to dan, to see him crying on the bathroom floor.

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