I grind my teeth together.

"I hate you!" I blurted out and walked away not even looking back at the bastard.

I'm not gonna make anyone suspect what happened. I'm gonna pretend to be happy throughout school and put on a fake smile. Kyle mustn't see I'm hurt.


The plan was successful. The whole day I pretended to be happy and it kind of worked. Amira didn't suspect a thing. After stopping by my locker with Amira, I wanted to go to the washroom to clean my face, I was exhausted. We walked to the washroom and opened the door, I couldn't move, I saw Kyle standing in the washroom with a girl, my heart stopped beating and I felt I could faint anytime from now. Amira stood next to me with her mouth agape. Surely she doesn't know about the breakup.

I saw him kissing her, I saw him kissing Helen. Kyle was enjoying it, I could see it. His eyes were closed as if he wants to live in the moment forever. My heart broke into a million pieces. The tears I managed to keep bay the whole day were not under my control. We broke up like three hours ago and he is already exchanging saliva with another girl. I bet he did it while we were dating too.

Amira who stood by my side the whole time noticed my tears and started pulling me out by my arm. I turned around to look at him and to my surprise, he was looking right back at me.

Amira pulled me into am empty class and locked the door pulling down the blinds while I took a sit.

"What the hell was that?!" She asked clearly furious.

I just sat there still sobbing quietly. How the hell do I start explaining I've been dumped.

"Start talking Lilia!" She ordered placing her hands on her hips.

I closed my eyes and opened it again.

"We broke up."

"What?! I thought you said the sex was good?" She asked confused.

"It was. He said that was all he wanted. He never loved or cared."

It was Amira's turn to be shocked.

"I will kill that fucker!" She said, her fingers curled up in a fist.

"He said I was a fool to have believed him. That he would never fall in love with someone like me." I said.

Amira sighed and sat, putting her head in her palms.

"So what are we going to do?" Amira asked.

"Nothing," I said standing up to clean my tears. "We've broken up, life continues," I said, but I don't believe it. I'm too hurt to move on.

"Lilia..." She stood up to hug me. "You are cool and beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise." She said in my ear.

I nodded and pulled away cleaning my tears. "C'mon let's go, class will be ending soon," I said and walked out of the class with Amira behind me.


I rushed into the cafe ten minutes late sending a quick wave to one of the co-workers while tying up an apron. Amira and I almost had an argument about my coming to work today. I explained to her that I had to, who would pay for my college and the things I need. I should work for it.

The bell rung signalling customers have entered. I turned to see a man and woman holding hands while grinning ear to ear. They must be in love, except he is a player. My thoughts went to Kyle but I brushed it off immediately. He's over me, I should too. I walked up to their table to take their orders.

"Good afternoon what would you like?" I asked smiling.

The woman was the first to speak. "I would like a gingerbread latte."

"What about you sir?"

"A dark roast coffee would be good thank you."

I nodded and hurriedly left to make their order after which I served them and they left.

My shift finished and I proceeded to go home. On getting home I made myself spaghetti and drifted to sleep.

I woke up and stretched. I looked outside my window and it was pitch black. Sighing I took my phone and checked the time, 2:48am. I checked for any calls or messages but nothing from Kyle. I sighed. Should I message him, should I not? He is online though, maybe he will reply. So I let my fingers type away.


That's all I could say. I waited for a reply, Nothing. I waited again... Nothing. Later he opened the message but didn't reply. I couldn't control the tears that formed in my eyes. I felt ignored and embarrassed. Someone that once told me he loved me now treats me like a stranger. I looked through my picture gallery on my phone and saw the memories we shared. The times when I had a goofy grin on my face, his smirks, the smile on his face as if he truly meant the I LOVE YOUs, the laughter, the hugs and cuddles, remembering it all like yesterday has now vanished and left an empty space in my heart, this void.

I wish I had amnesia. I wish I could forget it all. Forget all the times I missed him, forget all the little times we shared. Forget he ever existed. Forget I ever loved.

I still wonder why

At a point, it seemed like

I was stabbing myself,

You left my heart shattered

Without amends;

Like I was some damaged token,

Like I was a pile of dirt

I still don't know why

I clung onto you so much

Like you were my only hope,

If I were falling from the sky

You left me badly dented,

You made my tender heart cry

I can't think of so much

Now all I ask is WHY?


How could Kyle have done that?

Indeed, a leopard never changes its skin.

Or maybe there's more to it...

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Thanks for all the love guys!

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