Chapter 1

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I held my books against my chest as I walked up the stairs on my way to my first class in the senior year.

School just resumed and since it's my last year I just want it to be as peaceful as the previous years which usually included me not talking to anyone apart from my friend Paige and used to being ignored by half of the school.

Most people don't even know I attend the same school as them but I can't blame them, I'm not the sociable one.

My mom passed on three years ago and left me with a drunkard for a father. He didn't attend her funeral nor ever visited her at the cemetery, it made me wonder if he ever loved her. She would always get beaten by him for the slightest things, if his dinner wasn't made before he got home or if it was cold she would get a slap on the face or the belt. I also got hit sometimes but most times she would shield me and get beaten instead.

But now that she's gone, there's no one to protect me from his wrath. He comes home drunk most times and hits me with anything he can lay his hands on. I come to school with a bruised face and a busted eye most times which makes me unattractive. I mean let's face it who would date a girl with a busted face.

The authorities in Riverdale High don't seem to care, I'm often invisible and I try to hide the scars as smartly as possible.

Paige doesn't know about it. I just cover-up by saying I'm too clumsy or I got hit by a thief. I don't think she believes me most times, she just doesn't want to bother me for the truth I guess.

I wouldn't say I'm a geek but I'm school smart, I don't smile often because I have nothing to smile about. I dress casually and I'm not bullied in school just really ignored. I'm an introvert and I don't say much. I've been taught to say less because talking usually earns me a slap by my dad.


I grabbed my schedule and headed to my homeroom. In homeroom, the teacher started her annual speech of how much fun we would have as long as we behaved. Same old boring talk. After her speech, I waited at my desk and waited for the bell to ring. The teacher excused us to the first period as I stood up to leave the class I felt an arm wrapped around my neck and looked to see a grinning Paige by my side.

"Hey Lilia, ready for the last year in this hell hole?" Paige asked. Paige has been my best friend for three years now. She has this warm personality. She's always smiling and cheerful unlike me. I've done a few sleepovers at her house and she is pretty cool. Her mom is a doctor and works at night shift most times so she loves me coming to her house for sleepovers so she wouldn't have to sleep alone.

Paige fantasises a lot and her major fantasies are about Kyle Rogers the school's baddie. I mean I can't blame her and other girls who drool over him, he is like a sex god. His body is the definition of perfection but I know, he would never have anything to do with a low-life like me so I don't even bother but that doesn't mean I can't steal a few glances at him.

"Sure," I said with a weary smile.

"What happened to your lip it looks busted," Paige asked, pointing to my bottom lip while I look into her brown eyes trying to come up with something to say but nothing comes out of my mouth.

"Never mind let's go we'll be late for History," Paige told me and I nodded. I guess she figured I have nothing to say and even if I did I would just say the same old lies.


"Good morning Mr. Stevens," I frowned as I entered the classroom; it was starting to fill up as I took my seat.

Don't get me wrong I like history it's just that Mr. Stevens makes it hard for us to learn. He keeps a stern face while teaching and doesn't entertain questions, he is given the nickname Mr. Sucker unknown to him. He isn't nice and he's grading isn't fair. I remember last year when we were given a topic by him to work on. I worked so hard on the project and got a C and when I went to him to complain about my grade he told me that because I had typographical errors he marked me down and that since I had the effrontery to question him about my grade I get a D. I hate him.

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