"Hiiro, I didn't know."

He kisses the tip of my nose gently. "You didn't ask me." He turns away. "You need to work now. I'm going to go and find Emu now. If you need anything, you can ask for help from the others around you. If they question it, tell them that I will get on their case if they don't help you. Everyone will help if they know I'm involved."

"But I already worked for so long! I am so tired!" I whine.

"Too bad. You decided to come here and my dad has you near me so you will do as I say. You're going to work and you're going to love it."

"You're so evil..."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing! I'm going to go work now! You can have my cake!" I get up and move around my chair and his chair, rushing towards the exit. "Bye!"


"What?" I stop.

"Do you know where Poppy is?"


"Forget it. Go to work."

"Fine." I exit the room and up to the elevator. I press a button and it opens. I enter it and close my eyes. I seriously hate him.

I press the floor I want to go to on the list of numbers and the door closes. The elevator bounces a bit, scaring me. I hate it when it does that.

The elevator stops and opens up as a guy walks in playing a hand-held game console. Wait a moment! Is that the cute guy I saw before?

"Hey, are you that guy I saw earlier?" I ask him and he looks up, smiling brighter than the sun. Sorry sun, no one can beat this guy's smile.

"Oh, Kara! I didn't know you were using this," he says, looking back down at his game. "I'm going to get off with you so I can find my friend."

"Alright." The elevator door closes and it bounces again. Great.

I hate elevators so much and they're always so troubling to use. I'm afraid I'm going to get stuck in one eventually or fall to my death in one. How do people not freak out over this kind of thing everyday inside of an elevator? Besides, they make me dizzy!

"So, what are you up to?"

"Work," I answer, being simple with my answer. I don't know what to say to this stranger. What do I talk about with a stranger?

"That sucks. Anyways, I told you we would meet again. It is fate," he responds.

"Yeah, it must be. Oh, since we have you owe me a name. What is your name?" I cross my arms and he looks up. Did he finish his game now? I am curious about why he's hooked to it.

"Oh, I do have a name," he states, lips curving upwards into a cute smile."My name is Parad."

"Parad?" What kind of name is that? Who names their child 'Parad' of all things in the world?

"I am named after a certain word," he says. Named after a certain word? Oh, this is easy!

"Paradox?" I know it ain't parade. I wonder if my phone would autocorrect it into that though.

"Bingo!" He holds up a hand and snaps his finger, pointing it at me. "You're smart! You must really be a nurse then. Not that I was doubting that you were since you're obviously one." He seems happy with himself right now.

"That is very interesting." What an interesting name he has! "I never heard of such a name before."

"Do you like playing games?" he asks me, holding up his game console. He just ignored part of my response. "I love playing games. Life is kind of a like a video game you know." I guess so.

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now