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Chapter 26

John's POV

I watched as they rolled her into the operating room. It felt like hours passed by while she was in there god I hope everything going to be alright.

After that day the doctor told me and her parents that she wouldn't live that long. It was like I was being stabbed in my heart. A life with out the girl I love how could I live like that.

A life with out iris is like the world with out light. A butterfly without wings. A river with out fish. Life with out air. Romeo without Juliet.

That life would be the worst.

Iris POV

I was still out I'm still in the dark room. I can see a opening at the top of the dark room. I floated up to the opening. There was a bright light I tried to cover my eyes while trying to get out.

Once I was out of the room I saw the most beautiful place I ever seen. It was like a dream come true. Before I could see the rest of this places I was pulled back into the real world.

I was back into the operation room on the table. I could see the doctors moving around and I can hear the sound of beeping. I didn't feel so well that's when I heard the nurse tell the doctor something.

"Sir she's going into shock" the nurse said.

I passed out. I was floating around on the operating room. Looking at my self I could see my body and the doctors and nurses doing something. My body was shaking after a while it stopped, and I started to float further and further away from this place.

Then I was gone.

John's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for any new. Dean and Kelly where sitting next to each other hugging holding each other tight. I wanted that with iris. That when the doctor walked In.

"Dean and Kelly West ?" The doctor said.

All three of us stand up and went to the doctor.

"I'm sorry. But iris did not make it through the surgery. She went into shock" he said.

I could not hear anything else after that I walk away from the room and walked out side. I got into my car and sat there. I could feel the warmth of my tears starting to go down my face. I looked at the seat next to me and noticed her sweater.

I picked it up and hugged it crying into it with everything I had. She gone she's really gone. This can't be happening. The only person I loved is gone and I won't be able to hug her kiss her and grow old with her.

I won't get to do anything with out her bit I can't break my promise I have to move on with my life.

I will move on but I'll never forget her. Never.

*two year later*

After iris funeral I went on with my life I moved to San Francisco and started to teach at a elementary school for the forth grade it really good and I love it. But every month I got to visit iris grave and leave flowers for her.

I met a girl that teaches at the same school as me. We started to hang out and get to know each other. She's really nice and she makes a good friend to talk to she knows about iris and my past.

I've keep my promise and I intend on keeping it.

till the very end.

Iris (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now