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I walked back into the motel room we stopped at on the way to Bobby's. Dad had called him and asked about getting a house so mom could recover. I felt bad anytime I looked at her stump sticking out like a sore thumb from under her jeans. 

"Mom, you don't hate me right?" I asked when Dad and Sam left the room to pack up and hit the road. I looked over at her waiting for the inevitable. 

"No. I risked everything for you darling. I don't hate you. You weren't in control and I understand that." She rolled herself over and put a hand on my knee. "I love you Scar. More than anything."

I smiled and rubbed her hand. She rolled back over to her bed and hoisted herself up onto the bed. "Dad said he's looking for a prosthetic..." I comment looking at the ceiling and the huge devil's trap painted in the same color as the ceiling currently protecting us all. Dad became superstitious about what Cas said after Sam spilled the beans. They came inside and motioned for us to follow. 

I stood up and walked out and into Dad's Impala. I sat in the back and laid down. This was all because I was born. What would've happened if I hadn't? I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"What would have happened if you weren't born?" A Scottish voice came to me through the black fog. "Why, dearie let me show you." A bright light shone from somewhere and I opened my eyes. Rolled out before me was a field of death. People collapsed left and right dying or smoking out to avoid death. Few were standing at the center. I ran over to them and looked at my parents, my uncle, Cas, and Pop... all fighting a single thing. I watched as Cas exploded, Bobby died, and Sam beat dad senseless as Mom was held against her will by someone I didn't recognize but probably wasn't important anyway. Then a hole opened up in the ground and Uncle Sam jumped inside with the man, and Mom. 

The hole closed up and they were gone. "See Scar, they need you. Otherwise, this would happen." He waved his arm and we moved to Bobby's panic room. Sam was strapped to a bed a man feeding him something glowing. I couldn't see mom at all. Until she stepped into view, scars on her that I hadn't seen before. 

"Crowley stop..." I cover my eyes unable to see the horror before me. 

"Then I need a favor." Which in his accent sounded more like fava. "I need you to let Lilith in. But take control and bring her to me.  I have a mark that will keep her from getting out. All you need to do is comply." He smiles and walks around. "Got that love?" I nod and he smiles. 

"Let me say goodbye to my family first. I have a feeling I won't be coming back." He nods and steps aside. 

"Kansas, four o'clock. Three days." Is all he says before I wake up, panting. Cas standing beside me looking with curiosity. 

"Scar... What did Crowley say?"

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