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My breath is heavy in my lungs, I can't hear anything but the shuffling of feet. Can't see anything except for the man in front of me swinging punches left and right. No matter how hard I punched, kicked, slashed, or tried to get this sucker to go down he just wouldn't budge. I swung a hard right hook, aiming for its lower jaw when it grabs my neck and lifts me above the ground. I claw at its hand, and black spots start to cloud my vision. Couldn't he have grabbed me when I had more air in me? I cursed myself. I could feel my body going slack and my hearing start to fade when, out of nowhere, I heard a faint shout from behind him.

"HEY!" A gruff male voice yelled. "EAT SALT BASTARD!" A gunshot rang out and another lower, less gruff male's voice started saying something in Latin which through my muffled hearing I guessed was an exorcism spell. I couldn't tell, teetering on the edge of consciousness. The man fell to his knees screaming and a thick black smoke came out of his mouth. I fell to the ground and took a deep breath in. My ears start to ring and my vision slowly clears to see two men standing above me. I rub my neck while coughing and look up at the two boys. 

From what I could see in the faint lighting, the taller of the two had a very concerned look on his face, and in his left hand, he held a bible. His hair was dark and long, kind of like those surfer guys you see in teen movies like Grease. The somewhat shorter, but still tall, second male knelt and leaned me forward so I was semi-sitting up straight. His hair was more of a sandy color and short. His lips were moving but I couldn't hear anything over the ringing in my ears. Slowly, I was able to start hearing his voice coming through. 

"Hey, you alright?" the taller of the two asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for that. If you had shown up a few seconds later I would be dead meat." I coughed and maneuvered myself so I was sitting up straight. I held out my hand and the sandy-haired one helped me stand up. I dusted myself off and looked around for the knife I had dropped.

"I'm Sam. Sam Winchester." The tall one pointed to his partner. "And that's D-" 

"Dean. Dean Winchester." I cut Sam off and smiled at Dean. "No way. You little bastard you left without saying goodbye!" I punched his arm and erupted into another fit of coughs from laughing. Dean looked confused and worried.

"I'm sorry have we met before?" He chuckled and pointed his finger between us. "cause I've seen plenty of black-haired chicks in my life. Saved most of them too." He winked and smirked at me.

"Oh, I believe it, Mr. Playboy." I chuckled, thankfully not coughing up a lung this time. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, my throat still sore from the man laying not too far away from us. "You had all the girls in the Motel back in Oaklahoma wrapped around your finger." I twirled my pointer finger in a circle with a smile on my face. "I'm Alex, Alex Thorton."

Sam suddenly laughed and looked at Dean. "Dean? You don't remember little Alex? When Dad had that job that took a long while back in Oklahoma. When he was still pulling us around?" Dean once again had a confused look on his face. "The one who lived next to the motel? In the uh," He snapped his fingers a couple of times trying to remember. "White farmhouse!" Dean still had a clueless look plastered onto his face.

"Dean. My god." I reached under my shirt and pulled up a gold locket that had seen much better days. I took it off and handed it to him. He stared at it and turned it over and over staring at the picture. He looked like he was trying to remember so hard. You could almost see smoke filing out of his ears. And then a lightbulb clicked on in his mind. He looked up at me in shock.

"Don't know how I could have forgotten you." He laughed. "You were the only one immune to my charms" He chuckled and leaned over for a hug. He smelled like motel rooms, cheap beer, and... pie?

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