The Meltdown

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I stormed out of that building and punched the wall. I had a couple nurses whisper about how I lost someone. I didn't. I went over to an abandoned warehouse and sat in the middle before screaming as loud as I could the building shaking around me, glass shattering and a few support beams landed around me. I looked up as part of the ceiling came down, right on top of me. I screamed and threw my arms up. I heard a swooshing sound and looked up to see the glass that had broken earlier form a shield around me. Did I do that?  I questioned looking at my hands. I got out from underneath it and swiped my arms up again like before. again the glass formed a sort of bubble around me. 

This was too cool. But how the hell do I get it to move away and set me free? I walked to the wall and touched it gently. It didn't move, didn't quiver. I wondered what else I could make a shield with. I would experiment as soon as I figured this out.  I reached for my phone to call Sam and found it wasn't in my pocket. I heard it chirp a hundred feet from where I was standing, under the collapsed roof. "Fuck..." I said aloud. "Castiel?"I call, hoping he would show up. "I'm in a little bit of a pickle, could ya come get me out?" I sighed and sat down looking at all of the broken glass pieced together to make a makeshift hut looking thing. 

I heard a knock on it and turned around. It wasn't Castiel but Sam stood there looking in awe. "How did Jews do this?" He said through the glass and I laughed. He sighed and said it again, louder. "How did you do this?!" He screamed through the glass, finally finding a hole. I stood up and walked forwards towards him and threw up my arms again, the glass moving with me. Just one problem, now both of us were in this glass bubble. "Oh...." 

"Yeah... I haven't figured out how to get out yet." I inform him poking the glass again. 

"Have you tried kicking it? The glass you're using looks very old. How'd it even break?"

"I screamed... Knocked a few beams down and part of the ceiling which is how I discovered this ability..."

"Why not try that again?" He asked tilting his head.

"It's loud."

"Do it Scar." He covered his ears and squatted, pretty far since he was a giant for the most part. I took a deep breath and remembered the frustration from earlier. I let it all out in this high-pitched yet guttural scream. The glass exploded outwards and stuck into every surface that it hit. The bricks, metal, wood, and concrete. I felt exhausted and looked over at Sam. thank god, not a scratch on him. 

He stared wide-eyed at my head, I'm assuming my hair, and stood slowly. "Sam?"


Her voice echoed around the empty room as I stared at her hair that fell below her knees in awe. We had just dyed it red but the color didn't take well and it was a sort of maroon. It crept millimeter by millimeter turning her hair a bright crimson red. I was speechless. What if that was a sign of her unlocking her full potential? The scars over her eye that once dimmed the green color or her eye must have let go or something because the color came back full force. Both of them, electric and vibrant. I watched Cas walk in and he stopped in his tracks making a sound that was like a soldiers boot when he was marching and turned a corner.

She looked over at him. "Cas? Is there something wrong?" She asked and took a step towards him. 

"Scarlett, your hair is not maroon. It's very red. Blood-like." He said bluntly before adding, "And your eyes are brighter despite the hellhound scar."

I cleared my throat and asked a question I already knew the answer to. "Cas, what does this mean?"

"It means she has full access to her power and Crowley is on his way."

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