Dad's Little Girl

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The next morning

As I drifted into consciousness, the first thing I noticed was how cold I was. The bed seemed vast and barren. Dean must already be awake. I rolled over and rubbed my eyes, the scent of coffee and eggs wafted towards me. I slowly opened my eyes to the ugly purple walls, horribly patterned comforter, and the bedside table. I stretched and heard Sam and Dean talking quietly. I sat up and looked towards them. 

Dean was wearing a red flannel and jeans, sipping from a coffee mug, his face was focused on the computer screen in front of him. His features were chiseled. He looked focused, and I don't know how, but it made him look more handsome. 

Sam was sitting across from him, wearing a light grey tee and jeans, I couldn't see his face from my angle, but I assumed he was focused too. his computer showed he was scrolling through news sites, probably looking for new jobs. 

I swung my feet over the side of the bed, the bed creaked as I stood up alerting both of the boys. Dean smiled warmly at me and Sam turned to face me.

"Good morning," Sam said, an almost shit-eating grin on his face. "Sleep well?" he waggled his eyebrows at me and made small kissy noises. 

"Oh shut up Sam," I replied and chuckled. I padded my way over to the table, my legs cold in the morning air. My pajama shorts did not give me much warmth outside of the bed. I crossed my arms over my stomach. The tank top was not a good idea either. Dean stood up and pulled off his flannel, draping it over my shoulders.

"Ignore him, it's what I do." Dean's sarcasm was so good I could not tell if he was being real or not. He then walked over to the coffee pot on the counter behind him and grabbed another cup out of the cabinet. "Coffee?" He asked. I nodded and sat down in the empty third chair at the table. He poured me a cup and sat it down, along with the cream and sugar. He returned to his seat and patted my knee under the table. His hand lingered for a moment and I smiled. 

"So, how was checking out last night?" Sam asked.

"Weird," I said, mixing my coffee. "Apparently the shifter posed as me to find out what room I was in. I still don't know what it was after." I blew on my coffee a little before taking a sip.

"We think information on one of the three of us," Sam commented. "Although I haven't seen anything about shapeshifters in a minute." 

Dean spoke up "No, but I think I found us a job. Vampire attacks in the next town over." He turned his computer around to show us. "All drained of blood and this weird symbol." He tapped his finger on the screen and my heart dropped. I must have gone pale "You okay?" Dean asked. 

"Y-yeah. Vampires are always just a uh... weird job for me." I used the touchpad on the laptop to click on the photo of the symbol carved into the victim's wrists. I knew that symbol anywhere. It was an 'A' stacked on top of a 'T', my initials. It was a sign. 

Sam cleared his throat. "Your dad was turned right?" He looked concerned as I looked at him. "I'm sure putting him down was rough.." I lowered my gaze and took another sip of my coffee. "You did put him down, right?"

"I didn't... But I didn't know enough at the time and he ran by the time I did." I spoke quickly. "I haven't seen or heard from him in years. I stood up and walked to my bag, pulling out a hardcover journal with worn edges and yellowed pages. Embossed on the front was the same symbol. "And I think this vampire is him..." I handed Sam the journal and he looked it over. 

Dean sighed but had a look of understanding. I felt like retreating back to bed, I was embarrassed that I hadn't even tried to track him down, and now it seems he found me. 

"I think that's what the shifter was doing. It looks like the last three towns he's hit are ones I had jobs in." I pointed out. "Getting closer each time" I was scared. I'll admit it. The hunter, becoming the hunted? Scary shit. 

Forever. (Supernatural Fanfic) COMPLETENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ