Nobody Fucks with the Winchesters.

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Scarlett got so attached to hunting and I wondered where she got the love. Maybe being around it for so long, or just the fact that like me, she had hunter blood in her. Pure as an angel's grace. 

"Hey Princess!" I called out after she rode back on a horse she grabbed. She hopped down and smiled. 

"Yeah Sam?" She asked blowing her hair out of her face. I smiled and put it behind her ear. 

"Wanna grab your mom and dad a treat since it's their anniversary?" I asked and she nodded. 

That night I could barely sleep. Whenever I closed my eyes all I could see was Scar screaming at me to wake up and to not die. I kept fading in and out and I eventually sat up breathing hard. I looked over at Scarlett who was sleeping in the bed next to me. I sighed in relief and sent Dean a quick text about the nightmare. I laid back and stared at the ceiling. 

Everything was wrong. I couldn't sleep. Ever. And when I did I always had a nightmare. Some of them came true and others didn't. I looked over at her again and she had rolled over to face me. Her face seemed so peaceful. I looked back at the ceiling. 

She was fine. I was fine. Everything was okay.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Sammy." Someone said and I shot up. A male was sitting on the end of Scar's bed. In the dark I couldn't tell who it was. "Nobody's ever truly safe. Especially you and your family." He said. 

"Who are you? Why are you here? Leave Scar alone you bastard." I say in a rush feeling around for the gun with rock salt that I kept beside my bed. 

"No worries. You're dreaming." He told me. I sighed and leaned back. "But I must warn you Sam." the voice turned to something familiar. I sat up again and was greeted by Alex. 

She smiled. "You listening? you've been drifting off." She said and Scar was sitting on my bed laughing to herself. 

I sighed in relief and shook my head smiling. "No sorry. I must have fallen asleep. I haven't been sleeping lately." I spilled and Scar stopped laughing and looked away. She took a long swing from her pepsi and avoided all eye contact. 

"sorry to hear that. WE'll let you sleep then." Alex patted my knee. "Besides. It's not like you cant sleep through anything." 


I couldn't believe it. Uncle Sammy wasn't sleeping either? I got up and went to the bathroom and shut the door. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes for a moment. I opened them and stood up turning on the warm water. I looked up at the mirror and jumped back. 

"DEMON BLOOD" was written on the mirror. I tried to wipe it off and was surprised that It was IN the mirror. Not on it. I stared at it and then gasped as I woke up. I was face-to-face with Uncle Sam who had a worried look. 

"Scar?" He asked and I looked at the mirror and then back at him. 

"D...Demon blood... what does that mean?" I stuttered out. 


HEy everyone! Im thinking about ending this book and starting a new one called "Behind Closed doors" or "Demon blood" Or I could add a chapter or two leading up to it.Idk.

Let me know down in the comments or DM me I'm always open for Ideas and even though I dont update often I hope you guys like what I  put up. I try to put up quality content!! 


Phoenix Harrow <3

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