The Gate

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I smiled and ran into the kitchen. "Cas!" I yelled wrapping my arms around him. He lightly hugs me back, still getting used to the 'human' thing. But he chuckled and kissed my forehead. Like the protective Angel he was. Sometimes I had to wonder if he was assigned to me as some sort of Archangel or something. I stepped back and looked into his eyes. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked tilting his head like he always did when he was inquisitive about human emotions and physical feelings. I remembered him punching Sam so much that he flew into a wall once. Cas didn't know his own strength. 

"I'm fine. Thanks" I respond pulling myself onto the counter sitting in front of him, only wearing shorts and a tank top. Both of which were black and breathable. "How's Mom? Dad?"

"Alive and well. Other than the fact that you mother still doesn't have a limb." He tells me and I bite my lip and look away tears already making their way down my cheeks. "Oh, was that a bad thing to say? Still a sensitive topic I see." He remarks taking my hand and wiping away my tears. 

"Cas your innocence is my drug. For everything" I chuckle out smiling at him. I hop down and pull my long fading red hair into a messy ponytail and taking the pancakes that he left on the stove off of the heat. I tossed the burnt cakes into the trashcan and poured some more batter into the pan. "How about I cook?" I smirk and look over my shoulder at him. 

"Probably for the best." He shrugs and sits down looking at me. I blushed slightly underneath his gaze but turned away. "Sam wants to come and see you." He says after a moment of silence between us. I quietly put the fluffy delicacies onto plates and sat one in front of Cas. 

"Is dad coming too to yell at me?" I ask harshly. "that was rude." I sighed and leaned against the counter bending over so my elbows rested on the island. "I guess so... I should explain a coupla things to him...." I look down at my plate and take a bite and when I look up Cas is gone and the sound of flapping wings echo's around me. 


I turn around to see Cas standing behind me. I jump a little and pull the shirt I had in my hands over my head. "Cas a little hello would've been nice." I laugh and walk around him. 

"She wants to see you and explain some things." He informs turning towards me, his stone cold expression melting at the mention of Scarlett. 

"Okay well take me too her." I turn and pull on a red and blue flannel. Cas tilts his head and stares past me for a moment before walking over and placing two fingers on my forehead. I'm instantly transported to a grotto in the middle of the forest. A path led to a lake on my right and a highway on my left. I started walking towards the lake not listening to what Cas was saying. 

My niece had demon blood in her. I clenched my teeth and regretted not saying anything to Alex or Dean earlier. 

** 15 years and 6 months ago **

I woke up to the strange feeling of nature's calls. I get up and quickly use the restroom hoping not to wake anyone up. I come out to the main room and see Dean standing over Scarlett's playpen, holding a knife. "Dean?" I ask walking out.

"Sam, don't you know not to interrupt?" He growled out and looked over, his eyes a startling yellow considering how dark the room was. "I thought since you've heard what happened to your mother you would know better." Azazel says with coolness. He raises his hand and I was pushed back into the bathroom and held in the doorway. I watched as he sliced his hand and put a good amount into Scar before freeing me. Before I could get over there Dean collapsed and I had to help him into bed. 

I hated that night more than anything.

** Present **

I grit my teeth just thinking about it. I cringed when I heard the sound however. I came to a cabin in the woods. One wall had a huge window, upon closer inspection I could see Scar standing on a balcony through it. I walked over and opened the oak door. 

I walked through the gourmet kitchen, and the luxurious living room, and onto the deck. I passed a training room, library, weapons storage, and a bedroom on the way there. "Scar?" I asked opening the door. 

"Hey Uncle Sam." she turned her head and smiled. Her hair pulled back and her two eyes sparkling. Her sun-kissed skin seemed darker in the sunlight. She was beautiful. Many thanks to her parents for that one. 

"Hey princess, theres something I need to tell you. A reason behind me spoiling you all the time." I start. 

"Yeah because im your only niece at the moment." She responded. 

"Not just that sweetheart." I leaned against the railing next to her. "Its a long story..."

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