Where'd she come from, where'd she Jo?

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I walked up to Dean and spoke to him about Jo briefly. He nodded and agreed with me on what to do with Scarlett. Speaking of, She pulled Jo's car up and parked it in front of Baby perfectly. I smiled at how well Bobby had taught her. I swear that girl could drive almost anything if she put her mind to it.

"Hey Scar!" I yelled at her when she got out. "Couldn't have parked that more beautifully!" She laughed and tossed me the keys to Jo's car. 

"Learned from the best. Sadly he's not here." She chuckled. "Why are we waiting for someone who's an hour late?" She asked and sat between Alex and Dean. I shrugged and so did Dean. "Well, I say we leave this place, leave Cas a note and let him come to us." She crossed her arms and smirked knowing she was right. 

Alex sighed. "She has a point you know." She tilted her head in a way that implied she was thinking. "We could do that technically since he can teleport everywhere." She says and hops off the hood grabbing a nearby stick she writes in the dirt.

"Cas, We waited for about an hour and a half and got antsy. Friend showed up and needs help. Going to get Scar a better depossession charm. Call when you need us, or show up. ~The Winchester's & Jo Harvelle" 

"Alright lets go." Alex says and hops into baby while Scar heads for Jo's car then remembers she tossed the keys to me. I toss them back and head towards Bessie. Everyone starts up and pulls out, careful to leave the message undisturbed. We all drive back to the hunter bar and I carefully carry Jo 

"Jo?" Ellen ran up and looked her over. 

"Ellen calm down she's alright. Just got possessed is all. I swear we didn't hurt her." I tell her and follow the worried bartender into the back room where I lay the sleeping blonde onto a bed. Worried glances follow me as I walk back out into the main area. Passing a group of men I cant help but overhear their conversation. 

"Do you really think it's her?" 

"Hard to tell, I can't see her eyes. Besides, isn't she rumored to have RED hair? That doesn't look very red." 

"Yeah well rumors aren't always true." 

"Yeah but Scarlett-Destiny is a MYTH. There's no way that she's a Winchester. The Winchester child has been presumed dead for years." I cringed at the last part. The time where Scar was almost killed. Her first hunt, god if I wasn't there to save her.... I shook the  thought out of my head. 

"I'm going to go talk to her. Put these rumors to rest." A male hunter said before getting up right in front of me. I stopped in my tracks and followed him to Scar. "Excuse me miss, but may I ask for your name?" He says and Scar looks back at me as if to say Really? Why me? 

She sighs and puts down her cup. "I'm Scarlett-Destiny Winchester." She says pausing in the middle. "Why do ya ask?" She picks up her cup again and takes a long sip.

"Wow, the myths are true...." He trails off. 

A/N: Hey guys! So I was wondering what you guys thought Scarlett looked like. If you want, you can draw some fan-art and send it to me. IF YOU WANT TO. If not thats cool too! I'm going to be drawing what Scar looks like to me. Also sorry for not uploading for a while, writers block. OH ALSO if I do get fanart then I'll post it at the beggining of each chapter and give credit to the artist! Thank you SO MUCH for reading! ~Phoenix

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