The Day It All Began

Start from the beginning

"Goodmorning!", they say simultaneously. Well, at least some people slept well...

"Why are you so late? You only have 10 minutes left for school!", my grandma says.

"Sorry grandma, I didn't hear my alarm."

"Well ok then, but make sure it won't happen again!".

"No grandma" , I say while quickly grabbing something to eat, "I promise!"

"He says that every time.." ,my grandpa grumps. I quickly put my shoes on and take my backpack; which I luckily already packed the day before.

"Be carefull!" , my grandma shouts just before I close the door. I quickly grab my bike and leave for school.

'Why do I have such a bad feeling about today?...'


I'm just through the school gates when the bell rings.

'Fieuw, just in time...'

I put my bike in the bike shed and quickly run to my class. Luckily they haven't left yet, because I have no idea in which class my lesson will be.

"Seriously, Jason? Can you never be on time?".

I turn around and see my best friend Henry looking at me with a frown on his face.

"Sorry Henry, but you know I'm not that good at being punctual."

"Ah well", he says, "you're not the only one. I arrived just before you."

We both laugh and start talking about what has happened the past week while our physics teacher takes us to our class.

We get to our places and sit down. When I randomly take a look at my left, my heart skips a beat. I see Emily, looking my way. When I keep staring back, she starts blushing and quickly looks away. I do the same. Nearly 5 years ago, we were really close, but then we grew up and... Yea, I don't know actually. We started talking less and kind of grew away from each other. I still feel bad about it, but the past is the past.

"Someone is looking like a tomato...", I hear Henry say. I poke him and the lesson starts. It's such a boring lesson, so it doesn't take long before I fall asleep.

"Jason!", the teacher suddenly shouts, waking me from my nap, "why aren't you paying attention!!". Still a little drowsy I lift my head of the table.

"Sorry sir, I haven't really slept well last night".

"That's your excuse every single time this happens. Now I'm tired of it. Leave this classroom right now!!".

"But sir..."

"GET OUT!" .

I grump but do what he says anyway. I feel Henry quickly patting my shoulder; but I can also feel the eyes of all my other classmates staring at me. All of a sudden, I don't exactly know why, I get really annoyed. I slam the door shut really hard, and when I do so, my ears get demolished by the immense "bang" of an explosion and my body gets blown away. My head hits something hard and everything turns black ...


I wake up feeling pain everywhere. My head feels like a stone brick and I painfully feel every single bone and mustle in my body. Still shocked and disoriented I suddenly hear screams for help. I look around and I finally realise where I am when I recognize the door of the physics class, which is diagonally blocked by a wooden beam. I run towards it and try lifting it, but it's too heavy. I start desperately looking around and see a fire extinguisher lying on the ground. I pick it up and start hitting the door above the beam . After a few hard hits the wood finally breaks and I start shouting over the sound of the flames that are fastly spreading in the classroom.

"I've made an exit! Come over here and grab my hand,quick!"

One by one they grab my hand and leave the class as fast as they can. Luckily nobody's badly wounded. I start counting: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,... 16 people, including the teacher. Where's the last person? I suddenly hear someone scream and I immedialty recognize the voice; Emily!

"Quick!", I shout to them, "get out of here before the whole building collapses!"

I immediately run into the burning classroom, covering my mouth with my arm. At first the flames blind me and I barely see anything. All of a sudden I yet again hear the screams, this time coming from my right. Emily is sitting under her bench, covering her head with her arms.

"Come on Emily, let's get out of here!", I shout while pulling her by her arm.

We both start running as fast as we can. We get out of the classroom and start running to the stairs, which were, surprisingly enough, still intact. I push Emily in front of me and keep encouraging her to keep running. Almost there.... Suddenly the sealing above me starts to grate and a burning beam lands right on top of me. The entire world turns black. The last thing I hear is Emily screaming my name...

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