"It'll take us two minutes to walk across the road," she smiled, "at least I came to school in my gym gear."

My eyes dropped down the length of her body, she was wearing some black leggings and a big gray sweater. At first glance this morning I thought she was just wearing her outfit for the day, but clearly I was wrong. I looked down at my attire, gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Basically my pyjamas, but I'd woken up late and couldn't be stuffed getting dressed nicely. Perhaps I could just wear this for P.E. after all, it was just dance and not outdoor sports.

Lunas grip on my hand loosened as we approached the gymnasium. I let go, understanding. We weren't officially together, and no one really knew about us unless they were our friend or were just really perceptive. I know Luna wanted to keep it on the down-low anyway, even if we were together, her parents were supposedly very social and knew many parents of our classmates. There was no doubt Luna would die if her parents found out about us through gossip before Luna herself.

We walked into the big room and a few people looked over at us, Miss Fern raising her eyebrow at us but ignoring our late arrival as she continued talking to one of the groups. As we headed towards the corner that Calum and Michelle were tucked away in, both desperately looking at us for escape, we were interupted by sneakers squeaking on the floor as footsteps headed towards us.

"Aw May, look they're matching, that's so cute!" Alexis chuckled, eyeing up the two of us, "gray and black, just as dull as them. 'Tis a shame really Luke, you had so much potential."

Her squinted eyes flickered over to Luna as she scrunitised her entire profile, "and you, little lunatic, watch it. You've been stirring yourself a big ol' pot of troublesome stew lately."

I opened my mouth to defend Luna, but was beat to it by the blonde herself, "go fuck yourself Alexis. You're only mad because you didn't get what you wanted for once, and instead I did. Just drop it, theres plenty of other guys in the school that you haven't fucked yet. Have you tried Eric Winson? I heard he's really good with his fingers, being the fastest typer in the state and all."

Raising my eyebrow I glanced between the two girls, and briefly at May who was just standing there bored out of her mind.

"I'm sorry hun, but I don't want your geeky sloppy seconds. Oh wait, you're a virgin, you haven't even had your sloppy firsts." Alexis pouted and batted her eyelashes before chuckling-- no-- cackling and walking off. May jogged after her, nearly tripping on her laces as Luna and I turned to each other and rolled our eyes in sync.

"Eric Winson huh?" I chuckled, "fastest typer in the state."

"Yeah it was on the news," Luna smiled as we continued our journey to the other side of the gym, "he just keeps digging himself further into a grave really. You know, in year 9 I actually thought he was relatively cool, like actually cooler than you. But I swear now everyone gags at the sound of his name."

"You thought Eric Winson was cooler than me?" I asked, coming to a stop in front of Calum and Michelle, "guys can you believe Luna once thought Eric Winson was cooler than me?"

"Anyone is cooler than you Luke," Michelle snorted, and Calum nodded in agreement. I frowned at my best friend and he shrugged, "sorry bro, but I have to agree with the prude on this one."

Michelle glared at Calum, "just because I don't want to hook up with you in the scummy changing rooms doesn't mean I'm a prude."

"Would you hook up with me in a five star hotel suite?" Calum nudged her and she screwed her face up with disgust, "God no."

"Well then," Calum put his hands on his hips and shook his head, "my original statement still stands."

"Boys, girls."

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