Chapter 34: Eight Weeks

Start from the beginning

I walk over to the kitchen counter and get the white envelope from my purse and a mint.

I walk over to him and give it to him, rubbing my temples. I pop the mint in my mouth and wait.

"What is this?" He asks.

"Open it." I say.

"You already gave me a present for my birthday." He frowns.

"Just open the card." I say, leaning against the wall. "And read it out loud."

He sighs and rips the envelope open, pulling the blue card from it's spot inside the white paper.

"What is a Dad?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at me. I gesture for him to open it, my heart pounding.

He opens it.

"You. You is a Dad." He frowns. "Odeletta, that doesn't make any sense. Why would you-" he cuts off, his eyes snapping back down to the card, and then back at me, and then the card.

"No way." Gabe says. "No fucking way."

"Holy shit." Mason says.

Nathan, however, is silent, letting it sink in.

His eyes widen when he looks at me.

The entire house is dead silent and I'm so nervous he's going to turn around and walk out.

"You're pregnant?" He whispers. I nod my head slowly.

"Eight weeks." I say.

He's silent for a long time and I find myself getting terrified.

And then he pulls out his phone, typing quickly. Moments later, he shakes his head and stuffs it back in his pocket, looks at me and pulls his phone back out. He stuffs it back in his pocket.

"Well, well you need to go to the doctor, right?"

His hands are shaking and his eyes are wide.

"Because you're, I, we are having a baby, our, baby, and holy shit, I'm going to be a father! I've never held a baby before! What if I drop it? Oh fuck, that kid is going to end up hurt from me, I'm going to drop it! How the hell, why the fuck, I can't, oh god, is it a girl? Or a boy? Because girls are really dramatic and she has you for a mother, which means she will be moody too, and French!" His eyes widen again. "I bet she would have your eyes though, that would be cute. And your hair too. She would look just like you a bet." He runs his fingers through his hair and starts pacing. "And she will get a boyfriend." He spats. "A fucking boyfriend and I'll have to kick his ass. And if it's a boy? Shit, I wonder what he would look like? Would he look like me? I hope he gets your eyes though, I love your eyes. You know, I bet I could teach him to play football and I'll make him open doors for everyone and if he ever treats girls the way I did a few years ago, I will kick his ass and sent him to jail the way my mother did to me. I mean, who the fuck does he think he is talking to people like that?" He stops talking for a second. "Shit babe, what if it's twins? Oh dear god, I don't, holy shit. Can you feel it in there?" He points to my stomach. "Are you showing yet? How are you doing, Odeletta? You look tired, go sit down."

"I do not-"

"Go sit!" He exclaims, gently pushing me onto the couch. "You just threw up, so you have morning sickness, yeah? Does that mean you eat weird food too? And you are not driving Lucia. Fuck no." He pauses. "Shit, how are you going to take the baby around with Lucia? Beast is going to have to be driven a lot more. I can't believe this! We're having a fucking kid! There's a fucking kid inside of you!" He crouches in front of me. "We're having a baby." He whispers.

I smile, taking his face in my hands.

"We are having a baby."

He lets out a little laugh and kisses me. "We better call our mothers and start planning this wedding." He says suddenly.

"Let's not tell them yet." I say.

"Why not?" He asks.

"We should wait until the wedding, when I sit my second trimester. I could miscarriage before then, and I do not want the whole world to know...Gwen knows because she was there and everyone else knows because we live with them. Let's start planning the wedding and announce the pregnancy at the wedding."

"Okay." He says. "But you're not going to miscarriage. Let me make an appointment. I'll find the best doctor." He kisses the back of my hand and sits on the floor in front of me. He pulls his phone out again. "How long have you known? Who knew?"

"Harper, Anna, and Gwen knew. I've known for two weeks but I didn't tell you because I wanted to tell you in person."

He kisses my knee because it's the closest thing to his mouth.

"Okay." He says. He dials somewhere and makes an appointment for tomorrow at nine in the morning. "What's our reason for pushing the wedding?"

"Just tell them we want to get married this year instead, next month."

"Okay." He nods. He dials and waits. I hear his Mom pick up the phone.

"Mom? Odeletta and I are getting married next month." He puts it on speaker.

There's a pause and then, "What? No! Nathan! No way, there's not enough time! You're giving me four weeks to plan a wedding?"

"Yes. Tell Adelaide for me, yeah?"

"Oh my gosh Nathan!" She snaps. "No, let me talk to Odeletta."

"No, I'm the one that wants to push it."

"And she's okay with this?"

"She supports me." He says. "We're going to plan it. I have to go."

He hangs up.

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