Chapter 5

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Harley's solution to Roxy's current funk was to have a girls night out. At first Roxy was opposed to the idea. But after some insistent nagging she relented and allowed Harley to take charge. Now they were at Harley and Luann's house with a couple of the other Cara Cara girls, Ima and Lyla, and Roxy was allowing a small group of porn stars to choose her outfit for the evening.

"C'mon Roxy you've got a bangin bod. You HAVE to wear this!" Lyla was insistent on a skin tight, black bandeau dress that juuuust covered Roxy's ass, hugged all her curves and even though it had straps barely concealed her cleavage.

"I dunno Lyla. It's a bit less than I'm used to wearing."

"Nonsense. Now you've got your sexy undies and those black shoes from home get them on and get this dress on then we'll sort make up and hair."

A few minutes later and Roxy was in front of the three other girls and a full length mirror. After a couple of seconds she had to admit she did feel pretty good.

The others were ready to go so they set about getting some drinks and sorting Roxy's hair and make up. By the time they were done she was a little buzzed and starting to feel like a cross between a model and a porn star.

God if Matt could see her now he'd flip out. She giggled to herself, finished her drink and followed the others to Luann's car. She had offered to drive them by the clubhouse to grab Roxy's phone before heading towards Stockton where there were some good bars and clubs.

As they pulled into the lot Roxy realised she had to actually go into the clubhouse dressed like this. She was starting to regret re scheduling with Wendy and agreeing to Harley's night out. But when she looked around she realised there were only a couple of bikes in the lot.

The girls got out ready to grab some drinks for the road from the bar while Roxy grabbed her phone off Juice.

"Ladies... We didn't know we were havin a party tonight." Chibs wiggled his eyebrows at the group who sauntered into the bar.

"You aren't. But we sure are!" Harley nudged Roxy over to Juice who had only just looked up from his laptop. She winked at Roxy and made her way to the bar with the other two.

Roxy self consciously walked over to the booth Juice was sitting in and sat opposite him.

"How'd you go with the phone?"

Juice took a second to answer. His brain kinda had a depleted blood flow at this point in time. Over the two weeks she'd been here the closest outfit to sexy he'd seen her in was the night of the SAMTAC dinner. Even then his mind was blown. Right now he was having a hard time keeping his eyes on her face.

He cleared his throat. "Uh good yeah."

She looked at him a minute, waiting for him to elaborate. God he couldn't even look at her face without his mind blanking. Roxy was naturally pretty without makeup. But all dolled up like this her crystal blue eyes contrasted so brightly with her hair he was somewhat mesmerised.

He grabbed the phone and pushed it towards her. "Uh it's all good now. Just kinda bumped it a bit when you threw it. Should work fine now. I charged it n shit so you should be right."

"Thanks Juice." She gave him a glittering smile before moving to get up.

"So uh where you guys off to tonight?"

She sat back again fiddling with her phone.

"Somewhere in Stockton. I have no idea what I'm doing but the girls apparently have me covered. I need to stop moping apparently."

"You don't mope."

"You're the only person that agrees with me there. But what the hell. Girls night with some porn stars? What could possibly go wrong?"

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