Chapter 19

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The next three weeks went by slowly. Gemma was on edge, naturally, and Roxy's increasing guilt over not being honest with Juice was eating away at her.

The worst part was she was worried for his safety but she couldn't say anything to him about it. These guys were clearly white hate and they knew where she lived, where Juice lived and that they were together. She was worried for her safety for being a 'race traitor' and for Juice's for being him.

These guys clearly weren't scared either seeing as they had come right up to the window of his bedroom.

Roxy didn't feel safe round at his place any more and insisted that he come to see her at her apartment. This wasn't always doable and Juice was starting to get suspicious over her increasingly weird behaviour.

Juice had noticed Roxy was jumpy, distracted, spent way more time with Gemma than she usually would, and was taking on a lot of overtime at work. She'd even offered her last weekend to work in the residential unit at the hospital. Roxy claimed it was because she wanted more experience and spending time in the resi unit would be worthwhile. But he was starting to feel like she was finding ways to avoid him.

Sitting with Chibs at Cara Cara, eating chips and watching Lyla shoot her latest film, he was finding himself question their relationship.

Only a few weeks ago Roxy was saying they'd tell everyone about their relationship when everything with Donna had died down. Now all of a sudden she was adamant on keeping it private. She'd even stopped kissing him at her door out of fear someone would see them. He was starting to think she was ashamed of him.

Lyla's big finish distracted him for a moment and he questioned how any guy could enjoy having a bottle shoved up his ass for the sake of porn.

Chibs had noticed his friend's distracted demeanour and Roxy hadn't been hanging around the clubhouse as much recently. Juice had been. A few weeks ago Juice had been rather absent, unusual for him, now he was back there most nights moping round the bar. He hadn't noticed him bedding any Crow Eaters or Sweet Butts but the way he was acting he figured it'd only be a matter of time.

Chibs thought to bring the younger man with him to the porn studio today, get him away from the clubhouse and on his own so he could find out what the problem was.

Once Chibs had quickly called Jax to come sort out Bobby and Luann's fight about the bookkeeping he pulled Juice aside on their way out to their bikes. He'd been getting a bit too distracted with one of Luann's girls.

"What's with you brother?"

Juice's head snapped up to face Chibs. "Huh?"

"With you? And Roxy? I'm assuming something has happened?" Chibs sat on his bike waiting for Juice to answer.

Juice rubbed a hand over the short strip of hair on his head.

"Fuck I don't know man. She's been weird these last couple weeks. Jumpy and avoiding me." He slumped down on his bike. "I even wondered the other night if she was cheating on me. I mean she's always 'with Gemma' and she used to do whatever she could to avoid her. Never wants to come to mine." Juice let out a big sigh.

"I doubt the lass would cheat on ya. Not in Roxy's MO. Must be something else going on. Gemma's been weird too."

"Yeah I suppose. But even a couple of weeks ago she was ready to tell everyone about us... Now though she's hiding it even more."

"Just talk to her. Figure it out." Chibs fixed him with a stare. "But do NOT do anything stupid. Hear me?"

Juice nodded.

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