Chapter 22

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That night Roxy spent in her old bed with Harley curled up in her arms. What made things worse is that she couldn't even call her dad and seek comfort from him right now.

Roxy couldn't bear to think about her uncle Otto right now. He would be absolutely heartbroken. The love he had for Luann was like nothing she'd ever seen before. If there was one MC relationship that could convince her to become an Old Lady it was theirs. His two girls were what he lived for. And without Luann she feared he may not see much else.

When they got up that morning Jax called and let them know he was headed up to Stockton to see Otto. Roxy informed him she was taking Harley up there later to see him as well.

Roxy eventually managed to convince Harley to get out of bed. With the aid of a joint and some coffee she managed to get her in the shower and ready to see her dad.

The trip to Stockton was long and quiet. Roxy drove while Harley just stared out the window. When they parked Roxy could spot Jax's bike, meaning he was still there.

By the time Roxy had coaxed Harley out of the car Jax was exiting the prison. She stepped away from Harley for a moment to get some info from Jax. Harley busied herself with another joint. Roxy would have scolded her doing it right outside the prison but given the circumstances she figured she'd leave her to it.

Jax nodded to his sister as he lit up his cigarette. "How's she doing?"

Roxy looked back at Harley. "Honestly? Not coping. Don't think she's fully grasped it yet." She looked down at her shoes. "How's Otto taking it?"

"Same as her. Will do him good to have her in there." Jax took a long drag on his smoke while he watched Harley slowly make her way over.

"How is he Jax?" Harley threw the roach down and stepped on it.

"He'll be glad to see you. Remind him he's still got you out there to think of."

Harley gave a deep sigh, nodded, and wiped her face before trying to smooth out her clothes. She was currently wearing a pair of Gemma's jeans which were slightly too big, paired with an oversized SAMCRO t shirt. Probably one of Jax's. She pulled the zipper on the hoodie up, knowing she'd probably be given grief for wearing that into the prison with the club's name on it.

"Suppose we should get in there." Harley motioned to the doors. Dreading facing her dad.

"Yeah course. I'll see you guys later yeah?" Jax kissed his sister and gave Harley a hug and a kiss too. "Look after yourself doll."

Harley nodded again and walked towards the entrance. Roxy gave Jax a limp smile and followed after her friend.

xxx xxx

After visiting her dad Harley insisted on having some time alone. Roxy didn't want to leave her but Harley was adamant she needed some time.

Reluctantly, Roxy returned to her apartment in desperate need of a nap.

Upon opening her door she stumbled on another envelope. Dreading what was in this one, she scooped it up and made her way into the apartment.

Turning on the coffee maker Roxy propped herself against the kitchen counter, took a deep breath and opened the envelope. There weren't any new photos in this batch, probably because they hadn't had much time together at all given Juice's trip to Stockton and extended stay in hospital.

These were the same photos from that night with a note this time that read:

"Time is running out. Tell them or we are coming for you."

Roxy let out a shaky breath and flicked off the coffee maker. They knew where she lived. This couldn't end well.

She shoved the photos back in the envelope and ran to her room to grab some fresh clothes. Not bothering to shower she shoved on the fresh clothing, made sure her gun was loaded and bolted from her apartment.

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