Chapter 20

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As the ambulance left the lot, Roxy made her way over to Gemma and Tara. Gemma was looking a bit stunned. Unable to comprehend what had just happened. Deep down she knew this was tied to those guys.

Just as Roxy sat next to her mum, thinking the same things, Jax confirmed it. Tara, Roxy and Gemma shared a look.

After the guys made their way inside for church Tara started on Gemma.

"This was them wasn't it? The same guys?" She fixed Gemma with a knowing stare.

"Hey this ain't on me doc."

"We aren't saying it is Ma. But we gotta tell them. First Otto and now Chibs. They're just gunna keep going."

Gemma turned to her daughter now. "You know how the club works baby. We say this now and all hell breaks loose." Gemma sighed. "We can't make this worse than it already is."

Roxy didn't look convinced. "Well I don't know how much longer I can keep this in Ma. You need to figure it out fast."

Roxy jumped off the table and headed for her car. She needed to get out of here and clear her head.

As Roxy climbed the stairs to her apartment, bottle of vodka in hand after her quick stop at the liquor store, Roxy bumped into the weird guy from down the hall. He eyed her, gave her a quick apology, then kept going out the building. Roxy got a weird feeling that something wasn't quite right about him. But not wanting to dwell on it she hurried to her apartment and locked the door.

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When Juice arrived a couple hours later he found Roxy snoring on the couch. The bottle of vodka was on the coffee table, half full. Grabbing the bottle he took a strong few gulps before placing it in the kitchen.

"Babe. You ok?" He gently shook her awake.

Roxy carefully opened her eyes. "Hey you. How is everything?"

"Not sure." Juice shrugged. "Police are still wrapping stuff up down there but I figured I'd come see you."

"How's Chibs?" Roxy slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes, voice slightly slurred from her drink.

"Last I heard in surgery."

Roxy frowned, praying that everything would work out.

"But look we needa sleep. Lots to do tomorrow so we are gunna need it." He gently helped her off her sofa and made their way to the bedroom.

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Roxy had to go to work that day but she was glad for it. It would mean she could sneakily check on Chibs and find out how he was getting on.

Juice on the other hand had been tasked with staying at TM and 'cleaning' up the bomb site before the forensic team got there. The club needed to stay off the ATF's radar which meant no traces of a bomb could be found.

As Juice got everything together to clean the site he couldn't help but let his mind drift to whatever was preoccupying Roxy and Gemma.

Roxy still wouldn't tell him what was happening but he knew that whatever it was was clearly bad as it was obviously eating both women up. With everything going on with the club, however, he couldn't really dwell on it too much. Whatever it was he was sure Roxy would tell him soon. It was weird for him to have someone he expected to share everything with. Juice had been used to, for so long, just having to worry about himself that having to worry about Roxy as well stressful. Taking into account her feelings and reactions to things was going to take some getting used to.

After being busted by the forensic team on his first attempt to clean the scene Juice and Unser had to get creative. Destroying this evidence was going to be tricky and Juice had a feeling he was going to be in for a long day.

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