5 // boy in the hallway?

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"I'm not gonna ask why their is a girl in our apartment, but go to bed. NOW!" The man said. Taehyung scattered across the room, pulling her arm. "Ah- I'm sorry Hyung!" Taehyung said, as he continued running down the hallway into his room. He pulled her in and locked the door behind them. "Umm, who was that?" Avery asked. "Yoongi, Min Yoongi." He said serious and turned to walk towards his bed. He sat on his bed and pulled out his phone. Avery looked around the room. Checking every inch. Their was a door, most likely leading into the spare bedroom she had woken up in. The space between the two was awkward, so someone had to do something. "Ah- I think imma head to bed now." Avery said and headed for the door. "NO! Go through that door!" Taehyung yelled and pointed to the door Avery was looking at earlier, confirming her predictions. Mr. Grumpy, might still be up." He finished.


-Averys POV

I couldn't sleep. I just wanted to go home. Explain to my family why I couldn't make it to dinner and why I'm out so late. I didn't even know HOW to get Home..
I slowly got up from the bed and stepped towards the door that lead into the hallway. I slowly turned the knob and pushed it open. It was dark, and not to mention, cold! I continued to inch my way down the hallway hoping I wouldn't stubble upon an object in the house, or worse, Min Yoongi. I reached into the back pocket of Taehyungs sweatpants I was wearing and pulled out a flashlight. I had grabbed it earlier off the side table in the spare room I was staying in. I flipped it on and continued walking down the hallway. I guess I didn't realize how big the place way. There was literally endless hallways. I could get lost or something. Hey, WHO KNOWS!! I stopped at a fork in my path (😂😂) there was other hallways I could walk down. One of them had light on in the hall so, I walked down that one. The light was coming from under the crack of a door. Wasn't that much light, but enough to point out in the completely dark hall. I continued walking down the hall when I heard creaking in the floor in front of me. I stopped and flashed I flashlight down the hall. It was long, and it didn't reach the end of it completely. I didn't see anything so I continued walking. I wasn't even half way inching down the long hall when the flash light starts flickering. Darkness... The flashlight cut out. It was completely dark in the hall now. I inched down the hallway when I practically trip over something. "Hey. Watch it Yoongi!" A voice yells. It sounded male. But now that I thought about it. It could most likely be either gender. I hear rustling and a light flips on in my face. "Yaahhh!" I yelled and squinted my eyes from the bright light directly in my eye balls.
"AHHHH WHO ARE YOUUU!!!" The male yells as I practically fall over from his powerful (but high pitched) voice.

That's all folks!

Haha, I'll update this story soon, byeee!
I have plans for adding myself into the book.. :33

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