"Amber, please...Not now. At the meeting...ok?"

His voice is so raw and vulnerable. I want to know but I can tell he doesn't want to tell me on his own which only makes me worry more. What kind of information could make Nico so worried? He said we'll talk about it at the meeting so I'll wait until then. I need to stop overthinking because I think I'm going insane.

"Alright." He sighs again in what appears to be relief and we continue to walk in silence. I hadn't realized we were already outside. We continue to walk and I take in the fresh air. I haven't been enjoying things as much as I should. I look up at the sky and notice the sun is almost starting to set. Another day without him. I watch Nicholas open the car door for me.

"Thanks." I get in.

"No problem." He smiles but I can tell it's forced. What could possibly have him like this?

I watch as he goes around the car and over to the driver's seat. He turns on the radio and we sit in silence. I watch the trees we pass and notice the sun progressively going lower. I lose myself in the beauty of nature. I close my eyes and try to imagine myself lying down in the grass and smelling the fresh scent of it. A slight breeze around me and the trees swaying with it.

"Do you want to learn how to drive?"

What? I open my eyes and turn to Nico who has his eyes set on the road. I know he's trying to stop the awkwardness and although he took me out of my peaceful thoughts I appreciate his efforts. Besides, he needs the distraction as well.

"Um, yes actually. I've been wanting to for a while now." He nods.

"How about tomorrow?" I nod.

"Ok, but it has to be a promise."


"Please, promise me that tomorrow you'll let me teach you how to drive." It sounds as if he's afraid. Of what?

"I promise Nico, but I don't understand why. You know I enjoy spending time with you." He sighs.

"I know but sometimes there are things that can change." He stops the car and I look out the window and see we're home. I reach to open the door but I feel a hand over mine stopping me from doing so.

"Amber." He pauses as he pulls my hand closer to him. He looks at me but then looks down. He takes a deep breath before looking up again. He puts his other hand over my hand. His blue eyes pierce into mine.

"I need you to know that you're going to find out some information at the meeting that might make you angry at me. It's not my fault but I avoided telling you because I was scared. I know it won't happen but you have the right to know." He pauses and sighs.

"I just want to let you know that I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." I hear his voice break a little.

"All I ask is that you try to understand things. I need you to make another promise Amber." I see the need in his eyes.

"Promise me that you won't push me away." All I can feel is worry. What could be so bad that Nico is acting this way.

"It depend on what I'm going to find out."

"Please Amber, just promise me." I look at his pleading eyes.

"I promise." He nods and gently puts my hand down.

"Let's go shower and change before the other arrive." I nods and we each get out of the car. We walk to the house in another uncomfortable silence. I still can't imagine what he was talking about. I decide it's best to not stress myself over it. I'll find out as soon as the others get home. I just need to be patient.

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