What can I say?

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"Thank you Los Angeles! You've been an amazing crowd, we love you and good night!" Kellin yelled running backstage where I was with Copeland fast asleep in my arms and the boys feeling tired as well. It was getting pretty late. "How was that?" Kellin jogged towards me breathless and I feel like I have a stupid Cheshire grin, "It was great, I never could go to one of your concerts." I admitted to him, "Well I'm honored then." He said smiling looking down at Copeland, "I'll carry her. I don't mind." I said and he shook his head, "You've done too much today, it's time for me to be a dad too." He said picking her up from my arms, "Kellin you're always a dad. I wish you could see Copeland every time she sees you, her eyes have a unique sparkle. She adores you." I said standing up and the boys were asleep, "Besides, I think I should go home now and take them to bed." Home! I said to him but his lips sealed to a tight line, "Come on don't go yet. The guys wanted to know you better." He whined and I frowned, "Why?" I asked him and he didn't seem to know what to say. "How about you invite the band for a BBQ tomorrow? We can have them over and Katelynn is coming home tomorrow as well." I said taking Copeland back into my arms, "That sounds great. At least come by to say good-bye." He said hoping I'd say yes, why is it such a big deal?  I smiled and nodded he looked like a small child. "Boys come on, we're leaving." I said waking up Liam and Rowan and they just nodded sleepily. We walked through a hall and entered the room where the guys were, "Guys Leah came by to say good bye." Kellin pouted and the guys did the same, "But! Leah said we're having a BBQ and you're all invited!" Kellin said and they all cheered and Kellin shushed them rather quickly but Copeland didn't wake. "Okay then, I'll see you boys tomorrow, you were great tonight I enjoyed myself." I said waving and throwing them kisses and left, they were probably gonna celebrate.

"Boys we're home." I said quietly waking them, they grumbled and mumbled unintelligible things, dragging themselves out of the van and I picked up Copeland. I lay her in her bed and changed her clothes, "Leah?" She mumbled waking up, "Its okay Coco we're home you can sleep." I said tucking her in but she sat up. "Can you lay with me?" She asked pouting, "Okay let me change." I said to her but she remained her position but crossed her arms indicating that she was going to wait. I quickly changed my clothes and wiped my makeup off and lay beside her, she hugged me close and I brought her up to my chest caressing her hair, "Could you tell me a story Leah?" She asked, I knew plenty because I like to read. "Once upon a time there was a beautiful lonely rose surrounded by a field of thorns. A beast from the forest always admired her by afar scared that it might frighten the flower if he ever got close to her. Everyone hated him but no reason was to be found, the only thing is because he was different from everyone. But that only showed how ugly human's hearts are and his was kind heart and generous. One day the flower was being attacked by dreadful humans that wanted to hurt her." I said and Copeland gasped, "The beast without care ran through the field of thorns, cutting him every step he took but finally made it where the rose was. At the sight of the beast, the humans ran away in fear and with a mighty roar he warned them to never come back. He looked at the rose up close, she was so pure and even more beautiful, but the flower didn't turn away from instead she blew towards him forever grateful. Since that day the beast promise to love and protect the rose and to cherishe it, it was because of her that he wasn't what everyone thought he was." Looking down to my chest Copeland was already sleeping, she looked so peaceful. I've grown so fond of her in this little time I've been working here, "Good night my princess." I whispered kissing her forhead. I yawned and started to drift I don't have any more energy to think.

Kellin's  POV

"...since that day the beast promise to love and protect the rose and to cherishe it, it was because of her that he wasn't what everyone thought he was. Good night my princess." I listened closely to Copeland's room, when I took a peek Copeland was in Leah's arms sleeping, I don't believe Katelynn ever did that. Leah was the sweetest girl ever, she's so beautiful and extrodinary, not to mention really shy. The way she smiles, her giggle is something out of this world. I feel different around her nothing like I've ever felt before. Why am I thinking like this? I love Katelynn. But Leah was just wow... I don't know what came over me at the park, when that guy showed up, making her laugh and smile an especially making her blush! Why is this? Jealousy? But why? Ever since I saw her I was blown away by her beauty, she was really something else. And after she left the venue the guys wouldn't stop talking about her, Jack asked if she was dating anyone but I got defensive I decided to call Vic. "Ayee what's up Quinn!?" He answered quickly, "Just got home from the venue and you?" I asked him nonchalantly. He stayed silent a moment, "What's the matter Kellin?" He asked what the hell, how does he know?  "You know me too well Fuentes." I said laughing, "You know how it is. Spill what's up?" He said casually and I sat on my bed. "I think I'm having mixed feeling or I'm confused or I'm over thinking too much." I said running a hand through my tangled hair, Vic stayed silent and I continued, "I hired a nanny for Copeland since Katelynn and I have been busy lately. But I choose the girl. Thing is that she's the sweetest girl, really beautiful and shy." I said thinking of her. Her hazel green eyes, beautiful freckles and tanned skin, black long her and a smile so perfect. "So... you like her?" Vic said interrupting my daydream, "What? No. I mean I don't think I do..." I said, I haven't really given it thought. And he sighed, "Kellin you need to think first of all that you're  'marrired', that could lead into some serious damage. What I suggest is if you want your marriage to continue you should leave this between us. It could not only hurt Kate but also Leah." He said, he's right. There's too much at risk even me saying that I like her. We kept talking and I invited him to the BBQ tomorrow along with the others and he agreed. We said out goodbyes and hung up. I went to Copeland room to see the girls fast asleep. I walked in and put a blanket over Leah because she didn't have anything. I kissed Copeland's forehead and I couldn't hold my urge and I kissed Leah's forehead too. Well this will be a secret I'll be taking to the grave... 

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