Chp. 56 "Shocking Secrets"

Start from the beginning

I looked at her, and then at Max and Gage, "When we were trying to find Henson, we walked in on him, Roger Boyd, and a couple other doctors talking. Apparently, according to them, the F.P.S. kind of created the BD3."

She looked taken back, which was something I pretty much expected. I mean I had been completely caught off guard when I had found out, and I had to run away to clear my head. She seemed to be struggling with this as she shook her head, "Are... what? Are you sure?"

I nodded, "I heard it with my own ears. We don't know all the facts but I'm planning on speaking with Henson soon-"

"That's not true, that can't be true Andy."

Her retort had cut my sentence off short, and I looked at her with shock written all over my face. I gazed into her eyes, utterly confused as to why she wouldn't believe me.

I spoke, "You don't believe me?"

She shook her head, "Why... why would people in power decide to wipe out a large amount of the human population on purpose Andy? Think about it, it makes absolutely no sense."

Gage spoke then, "Actually, it makes a whole lot of sense if you put it into context."

I couldn't get over the fact that Avery didn't believe what I had heard with my own ears, along with two other people in this room. Why wouldn't she believe me? Didn't she trust me?

I looked at Gage after he responded, waiting for him to continue because obviously Avery wasn't going to listen to me because I wasn't enough. I shook my head as I spoke, "How about you explain to Avery, since she doesn't trust her own girlfriend."

She looked at me then, and she seemed as if she was struggling with something inside her mind. I wanted to ask, but I wasn't going to because I was quite pissed at her at the moment. I looked at Gage, indicating for him to explain himself.

He stood suddenly and began talking, "Ok, so here's what happened in the first place. We were walking through the lab to find Henson, to give him the ok to give you the cure. We were walking down a hallway when we heard the four of them talking, and I swear to you Avery, I heard it with my own ears. Roger specifically said, ' would put a fire in her ass if she knew that the F.P.S actually developed this disease in the first place'. Now if you choose not to believe us for whatever reason that's fine, but I'll explain why this makes so much sense."

I watched Gage pace slightly, as if he was nervous but excited at the same time. God he was such a cop.

"If this is true, because I believe it is, it would make complete sense and everything would add up. I mean, wasn't the whole ordeal of getting here by car was to avoid getting caught by the government?"

He looked at Avery, waiting for an answer. She nodded slowly, "Yes but-"

"Let me finish," Gage interrupted her, and continued, "We were hiding from the government, because they were searching for a Healer to create these Super Soldiers or whatever. But, Healers are so rare, so the only way to find them would be to cause a traumatic disaster to where they were needed, correct?"

I realized Gage was pitching a theory, but I let him continue as Avery answered, "I guess."

"Ok, so we're hiding from the government because they know a Healer is going to come to the rescue and try to get into the Bureau, which was their plan all along. It makes total sense Avery. They created the disease to smoke out someone like Andy so they could, in hopes, capture her and use her to accomplish their number one goal. The creation of this disease was just something to smoke out a Healer, the number one goal was to capture one and use them to create Super Soldiers."

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