"Well how about you pretend I'm (Y/N)-chan and confess to me!" he interrupted my thoughts.

"I guess that's a good way to practice." I mumbled.


"What! T-That is defiantly not (Y/N)!" I yelled startled. (Y/N) is more calmer and serene than the others which I liked, it made me feel more comfortable around her.

"Fine fine!" he grumbled. "Hey Oliver. Better?"

"Hmm!" I hummed. "Hi (Y/N)!" I chirped cheerfully.

"Hi." he sounded like he was weirder out.

"E-e-errrm I've b-b-been meaning t-to tell you this f-for awhile n-now b-but-" I started to fidget with my fingers.

"Woah Woah Woah! Is that how you're gonna confess?"

"W-well it's quite w-weird telling you how I-I feel about her."

"No kidding, but anyway as an expert, I would say be more confident, be more passionate, be more romantic!" he smiled.

"How do I even do that?"

"Well for starters try the

"What's that?" I tilted my head.

He smirked before pushing me into the wall, one arm trapping me from getting out. Our faces only inches away from each other. My face burning red before he hovered above me, his electric blue eyes staring me down with a mischievously smile.

"Does your heart race when I do this?" he whispered, his breathe hitting down on my neck making me shiver.

"U-uhhhh." I stuttered my mind racing like crazy. I looked down, blushing.

He than cupped my cheeks gently with his other hand, tilting my head upwards making me stare back at him.

"Does it?" he whispered again. My face getting hotter and hotter.

I gulped before trying to pull away.

He smirked. "Playing hard to get, are we?"

"L-L-Len I don't t-think we should be d-doing this is front of everyone!" I stuttered out.

"Well this is just lesson one on how to be seductive."

"Lesson one?"

"Yup, though it will be even more awkward when we get to lesson ten!"

"What's lesson ten?"

"N-Nothing!" he pulled back, the hot atmosphere soon cleared up.

"Though I-I-I don't think I'll have the courage and confidence to even do that!"

"Well then let's try something else. Hmmmmmm." he thought for a second. "Oh what do you like about her?"

"Everything!" I cheered.

"Be more specific."

"Hmm let's see, she's really pretty! She's very nice and kind to me! She is one of the bestest people I've met before! She is great at everything! She is an angel! Wait no a goddess!" I gushed. I could go on and on but Len stood there in awe.

"Ok ok lover boy." he grumbled. "Do you ever get thoughts about her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you imagine cuddling with her? Kissing her? Holding her hand?"

My face was burning red, more red than before!

"You look like a tomato!" he chuckled.

"I do not!" I yelled appalled.

"Yes you do! It's quite cute actually!" he laughed.


"Anyway next lesson!" he shouted.

I watched as he knelled down, pulling out a rose.

"Is it ok if I use your name?" he asked.

"Ummmmm ok."

"Oliver, you are the most specialist boy I ever met! When I first saw you, I immediately fell in love! Now I know what you think 'this is crazy'. I will agree with that but I'm crazy in love with you! Now please would you make me the happiest boy in the world and be with me!" he then handed me the rose while winking.

"O-oh my!" my heart seemed to go a bit crazy as it started to thump faster and faster.

"Whelp that's one suggestion! A short or long confession, however you prefer."

"Ok, thanks Len but I-I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this."

"Sure you can! You just gotta believe!"

"Believe that I will completely fail?"

"No no no, believe that you will win her heart!"

"Ok! B-but can I try o-one? N-not the k-kabe-don, but that l-last one!"

"The one with the rose?"


"Um alright. Go for it!"

"O-ok." I knelled down, my knee touching the cold hard floor while I pulled out the rose.

"(-(Y/N), you a-are the m-mo-most beautiful g-g-g-gi-girl in the world! Y-you make my heart p-p-pound whenever I see y-you! I a-always look forward t-to seeing y-you and that bright smile e-everyday! You a-are one of my
b-b-be-bestest friend, you make m-me laugh and smile e-everytime we're t-t-together. A-a-and I want to do t-the same! I want to s-show y-you how much I-I l-l-lo-love you!" I looked down embarrassed and scared of what Len is thinking.

I took a quick peek, he stood there amazed and astonished.

"W-wow, O-O-Oliver!"

"Did I do good?"


"Ok! Well I-I would say more but it was quite awkward and embarrassing to say."

"N-no worries!" he stuttered again!

"A-anyway thanks Len!" I smiled at him before walking off to my next class.

Hopefully you all enjoyed that little yaoi part XD. Yes I'm a fellow shipper of OliverxLen and also OliverxFukase, please don't make me choose on which I ship the most.

Lmao the song 'Gay S*x Song' kept playing in my mind while writing this. (I felt weird spelling 'that' out XD)

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