Authors' note

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Hiiiiiii guys. It's Ella and Anna here. We would like to thank you for reading our little fanfic novella. And yes... sadly, you have come to the end. 

*gross sobbing*

We know, we know. This was really hard to stay focused on and actually write, but miracle of miracles, we actually finished it. It may have taken a while, but we finished. We're tinkering around ideas for a sequel, but for now, there isn't one. 

Pls don't kill us.

 We can't thank y'all enough for all the support during this whole process. I'd like to give a special shout out to   @LilstackofPancakes . She has faithfully liked and commented every single chapter (Every. Single. Chapter.) and has been our constant cheerleader. You are amazeballs, Hannah and we love you to pieces.

Any theories on what happens next? Maybe whoever guesses the closest or provides the craziest theory will get a sneak peak on what little we've written of the sequel. And remember the sequel may not get published so this may be your only chance to know. 

That's all for now!!! 

Now go read something amazing. Like She's with me (@AvaViolet), Accidentally on Purpose (@numbereddays), Storm and Silence (@RobThier), The Season (@MissKatey), or My Brother's Best Friend and Jefferson Lake (@knightsrachel). These are some of my faves and these authors are so brilliant they make me feel like a writing potato. You know the feeling. 


Ella and Anna 

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