Ch. 10 Ace ticks off Fox even more

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The day had been draining for everyone, but the girls were especially exhausted from having to knock out the boys on their own. They'd decided to camp back in the forest they'd first met in since they all had camping gear and no one felt like paying for a motel.

They had gotten lucky finding a bus that came close to where they wanted to camp, and from there Ro had 'borrowed' a large golf cart she'd found who knows where. When she'd come back driving it, Ace had shot her a look of annoyance and a face that could only be described as 'oh gods not again'. Logan on the other hand, had seemed ecstatic.

Xander and Kane hadn't particularly cared about the semi-stolen vehicle, probably their Roman 'take what you need' instincts coming into play. Honestly most of them were likely just too tired to really give a rip.

They'd found a small clearing to camp in, large enough so that the six of them could build a fire and still fit, but not too small where someone could accidentally catch on fire. The thought sent shivers down her spine.

The bus ride had been hard. Fox knew that her back was bleeding, from landing on a pile of glass, courtesy of Ace, but didn't want to make a big deal out of it, especially since there wasn't anything anyone could do.

But they would have to hurry though. Because she was a descendant of Apollo, she healed at a much quicker rate than most demigods, which came in handy most of the time. This time though, she was fairly certain she still had glass shards in her back that would need to be dug out before the wound was allowed to heal.

When they'd decided where they were going to stay, Logan volunteered to take the back the golf cart and dump it somewhere it could be easily found by the mortals they'd 'borrowed' it from.

"I'll take first watch." volunteered Xander with a smile, as Logan was speeding off in the golf cart, shrieking with glee.

"Xander?" Fox said quietly.

"What?" he said, looking up from where he had begun pitching his tent.

"I-uh... I need to borrow you for a minute." This being very unlike Fox's typical demeanor, she could practically hear alarm bells going off in his head.

Instead of answering, Fox just jerked her head to the side and the two of them started walking off from the campsite.

"Kane, keep watch." Xander barked at Kane. Kane's brow furrowed in confusion before he gasped softly, and Fox assumed he'd caught a glimpse of her shirt with bloodstains trickling down from her shoulders and understood. "I can keep watch, I'm not tired."

Ro jumped on the opportunity to snap back.

"Why would you be tired? We're the ones who did all the work!" she signaled to herself and Fox as she popped a chunk of ambrosia in her mouth.

Fox almost smiled. That girl would literally say the first thing that popped in her mind. It reminded her of Aviva, but at least she had the decency to be embarrassed when she said something accidentally and totally inappropriate. Ro was the kind of person who was born with no filter and she didn't really care what people thought of her, which made her walk with her chin high; a quality that Fox admired.

She admired her even more after seeing her in action today. She'd literally shattered every Coke dispenser by controlling whatever water was inside. It was awesome, even though they'd all gotten soaked in every flavor of Coke ever invented. Not to mention it had made her whole body sticky and felt like acid on the numerous cuts and gashes on Fox's back from landing on the bottles rack. Just thinking about her back made her wince.

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