Ch. 15: Attack of the jocks

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They walked out of the swirling black mist into a large multi-colored room. Logan was momentarily disoriented. While he could teleport to specific places, if he'd never been there he couldn't pinpoint the exact landing point. That being said, he'd landed in some weird places. But he'd never landed in front of so many people before.

Teenagers of varying ages chatted and mingled around the huge room. Logan turned to the others, wide-eyed as he realized they were in a school gymnasium. There were dozens of banners tacked up on the wall showcasing different clubs and such In front of them, there were tables on the sides where hundreds of teenagers were milling around, going from desk to desk signing up for things.

The room quieted and all eyes turned to stare at them as they seemingly popped out of nowhere. Logan didn't blame them for staring. No one said anything, and after a moment, they all turned away, confused looks etched on their faces. The confusion quickly fading as the Mist did it's work. One by one, the teenagers turned back to what they'd been doing before and the conversations started again.

Five demigods looked at Logan with confusion etched on their faces. He put his hands up in surrender. "Don't ask. I have absolutely no idea,"

Xander rolled his eyes. "Dude, do you ever?" A warning growl from Ro prompted Xander to back off.

"Enough, guys." Fox whispered harshly, "We need to get out of here."

"I can't get us out with so many people here. I know the Mist will cover up most of it but there's bound to be someone who can see through the Mist."

"We need to get out of here." Ro agreed with a sharp nod. "Before someone notic-"

Fox interrupted her in a soft, cautious voice. "I think, we may be too late for that."

"What are you talking about?" Logan's eyes scanned the large crowd, but he didn't see anyone suspicious looking.

Fox's reply was a little exasperated, but still patient. "The girl. My two o'clock. White hair in the buns."

Logan's dark eyes scanned the crown once more, and he spotted her. Average height, white hair that was most likely dyed was fixed into two buns on each side of her head. Her smoky eyes were wide in a slightly panicked look and her brightly colored blue lips were parted in utter confusion. She kept turning from her oblivious looking friends to them. Logan felt sorry for the girl. He knew it could be hard, to be able to see things others couldn't.

Logan was shocked when it was Kane to make the first move. He slowly walked over to the girl, his palms held up in a 'I surrender' gesture. Kane spoke softly, and Logan had trouble eavesdropping, but he was able to make out, "Call this number and ask for Rachel." He was handing her a small rectangular piece of paper now. "She'll explain everything you need to know. You're not going crazy, I promise."

Logan continued watching as the girl clutched the paper in a death grip, as if she was afraid it would disappear or something. Then she crushed Kane in a hug. Even from this distance, Logan could see Kane tense at the unwelcome contact. Logan expected him to pull away instantly, but Kane just awkwardly pat her back and then detached himself from the girl who now had black streaks down her pale cheeks.

Kane said goodbye before walking back over to the group, his face flushed a bright red. Before they could discuss this matter further, a lady approached them. She was a tiny woman, probably even shorter than Ro. She was wearing a very formal looking power suit and two inch heels. She had a pair of thick, rectangular glasses perched in the bridge of her nose.

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