Ch.7: Ferraris and Dairy Queen

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Kane had gone over the details of Ace and Logan's arrest three times but Ro could still not believe it. (Poor Logan! He wanted to run for president) So, this police officer, Sheriff Fluffy or whatever, sent them straight to jail without a trial. Despicable! This was diabolical! And Ro told Kane and Xander as much. She stared at each of them, both freaking out in their own way.

Ro had sized up the Romans individually at the Chick-Fil-A. Fox was a legend, a child of two demigods, of Jupiter and Apollo with short dark chocolate hair with violet streaks. Half her head was shaved short and a dusting of freckles crossed her nose. She looked hispanic with her tan skin, and dark hair, but her eyes betrayed the look. They were lightning blue, adorned with a thick line of black eyeliner with wings so sharp they could kill a man. She was quiet and authoritative. She had a slew of knives sheathed everywhere on her and a large onyx machete that hung at her hip. And now she was in jail. Great.

Xander was a tall, very muscular son of Mars. He had close-cropped mocha brown hair that curled loosely and almond eyes that always twinkled with an optimistic light. His skin was golden brown and a smile was always on his face. He was boisterous and flirty in a fun way. Twin golden blades were strapped on his back.

Kane was the quietest out of them all. He had longer reddish-brown hair and amber eyes. His hair was pulled into a half-ponytail, showing off his strong jawline. He was powerfully built but, in a calmer way. He wasn't as bulky as Xander but was leaner. He had a simple Roman gladius strapped to his belt.

After a few minutes of ranting in various languages, they decided to break them out of juvie. "But, how?" Kane asked repeatedly.

"Well," Ro proposed. "I can open locks at will. One of my many talents from my grandpa, Hermes."

"You're related to Mercury?" Xander asked quizzically. "That actually explains a lot."

"Yes, why I am so fast and good looking. And also why I have your sword." She dangled it in front of his face. He frowned and grabbed it. Kane, in all this, watched them quietly, probably too intimidated by Ro to say much. This was actually quite common. Ro tended to have that effect on people. Kane glanced at them warily and pulled out a laptop. The emblem on the back was a lambda, the Greek equivalent of a L. He must've gotten one of the few demigod-safe laptops Leo Valdez made before he retired to Texas. Ro and Xander argued pointlessly over whether kittens or puppies are better before Kane found whatever he was looking for. He turned the computer towards them and Ro was surprised to find the time to be five in the morning. Poor Kane probably didn't sleep last night.

"Guys," Kane interrupted quietly. He might not say much but when he talked, you tended to listen. "They are most likely in Metro Regional Youth Detention Center. It might sound professional but, based on what I heard that cop say, they are breaking several laws. He has it out for demigods and I bet he has more imprisoned there. That place is like a full security lock-down sort of jail, so he probably knows some of them have powers."

"Let's just hope he doesn't know about this Hermes power Ro supposedly has." Xander added snarkily.

"Oh, really, Mr. Briggs? Find me a locked door and I will show you!"

"I will, Miss. Rogers. Right now." He walked away, checking a few of the doors. A moment later, his voice called her from down the hall. She ran down the hall and examined the door. She pressed her hand to the small lock located just beneath it and focused. A small click sounded and the door popped open, squeaking rather loudly. Ro smirked.

"I should have betted."

"I'm glad you didn't or I would owe you who-knows-what."

"I know what." She held up his sword, which she had, again, stolen from his back holsters.

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